The Great Gradsby, And 13 Other Graduation Caps Perfect For English Majors | The Odyssey Online
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The Great Gradsby, And 13 Other Graduation Caps Perfect For English Majors

Celebrate your love for your major!

The Great Gradsby, And 13 Other Graduation Caps Perfect For English Majors

Graduation will be upon us before we know it, and, as everybody knows, the most exciting part of graduation (aside from getting that expensive piece of paper), is donning your really expensive and goofy looking graduation cap.

Over the past few years, decorating your graduation cap has become a hugely popular trend that allows you to express yourself and stand out amongst the sea of monotone graduation robes. Below are graduation cap decorating ideas for English majors, celebrating our love of the written word, or the books, music, and movies that inspired us to study English.

1. For the writer

People choose the English major for many different reasons, but whatever your reasons may be, at the end of the day, English majors have a deep and passionate love of words.

2. On to the next chapter

Pages from an old book decoupaged onto your cap that celebrates your venture into the unknown--how perfect is this for an English major?

3. For the Potterhead

For many of us 90s babies, Harry Potter defined our childhood. This is the perfect cap to honor your house (how cute is that crest?) and proclaim your love for JK's magical world.

4. For the Hamilnerd

"Hamilton" has become a cultural phenomenon, and the first time I listened to the soundtrack all the way through, I bawled. This is the perfect cap for any writer, even if they're not a "Hamilton" fan, but especially if they are.

5. Cap of your favorite stories

Asking an English major their favorite book is like asking a musician their favorite song or a film student their favorite movie--it's an impossible question to answer. Instead, try decoupaging a cap with all of your favorite stories.

6. For the Disney fan

While there are all sorts of options when it comes to the Disney genre of graduation cap, this is the one that spoke to me most as an English major.

7. A Gatsby cap

Whether you loved or hated "The Great Gatsby" when you were forced to read it in your high school english class, Gatsby is such an important part of the American canon that there's no way you won't encounter it again as an English major. I particularly love this cap because it's the perfect play on words.

8. For the poet

Shel Silverstein was fundamental to my development, and this cap is the perfect tribute to an amazing poet. Even if Silverstein doesn't speak to your soul, decorating your cap with your favorite poem is a great way to share a piece of your soul with the world, which is what being a poet is all about.

9. A cap of book covers

Similar to #5, this cap is fun because it incorporates a great pun, and displays the book covers, which, as any literature major knows, are an integral part of the reading experience. As much as you're not supposed to judge a book by its cover, there will always be works that you love just a little bit more because the cover work is just so wonderful.

10. For the Shakespearian

Some people (not me personally, but some people), will fall in love with Shakespeare and venture on to grad school where they will devote their lives to the study of the Bard. If that's you, a cap with your favorite Shakespeare quote is the perfect way to celebrate that path. (My favorite Shakespeare quote is from "Hamlet," act 3, scene 3, line 87: "No.")

11. Another for the Hamilnerd

"Hamilton" is too iconic, I couldn't resist. And of all the clever "Hamilton" quotes, this is by far my personal favorite.

12. For the aspiring YA author

This quote comes from John Green's "Looking for Alaska." This is one of the many novels that made me, and John Green is one of the defining authors of our generation. This is a great quote to adorn your hat with as you venture into the next chapter of your life, but if this particular quote doesn't speak to you, flip back through some of the books that inspired to you to take on this path and put it on your cap.

13. Celebrate your love for your major

This is the cap for all of you who've heard "soooo, what're you gonna dooooo with that?" in that tone (you know the one I'm talking about) one too many times. This cap celebrates your love and passion for your subject. We all knew going into the English major that we wouldn't come out with the ability to step into 6 figure a year jobs - instead, we did it because this is what fulfills us.

Congrats to all the grads! Hopefully this list has been helpful in inspiring you to decorate your cap and celebrate the things you love most about your English major.

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