For many graduates of the class of 2020 these pass couple of months have been trying. My last day walking the halls of my high school was March 13th of 2020. I did not expect what was coming next.
We soon were all asked to quarantine and that there would be a possibility all the fun events planned for the rest of the year were up for question. Events like prom, baccalaureate, and graduation were going to be postponed until further notice. I was extremely frustrated at the thought of not sharing these wonderful memories with my family and friends like past classes before me.
Luckily my school was fortunate enough to have a fun alternative event happen if graduation can not happen. We had a graduation parade. I initially was neutral to the parade.
I wanted to be in an auditorium sitting next to my fellow classmates embracing the love and support from our family as they looked at us from the seated section. But it was time smell the roses and come back to the reality of my situation. In the parade, I soon realized that this was even better than sitting in an auditorium.
I decorated my Jeep with red and yellow balloons and wrote 2020 graduate on the passengers side. Getting to see all of my classmates faces and see how many people truly care for us was amazing. The crowd was filled with alumni, as far back as the class of 1979.
I got to see many of my underclassman friends cheering for us in the parade. And there was so much love shared when I saw my close family and friends yelling congratulations on becoming a high school graduate! I initially did not want so many people coming to celebrate me but I am so thankful my mom invited them. Even some of my primary school teachers were there!
Seeing all these wonderful people cheering for me and showing me love during this crazy time in the world was all I could ask for. The past Erynn who was neutral would not have expected to feel so happy and loved after going through the parade.
I do hope that I have a more 'ceremonial' graduation but having my graduation in a parade was pretty cool. I hope schools across the United States continue the new tradition of having a graduation parade!