During my graduation party, I had an advice box for people to leave me advice for this next chapter of my life. That was not the only place I received these nuggets of wisdom. I have had influential teachers give me tips on life, as well as parents and family. Not all of it was good advice, but there were some that stood out to me that I truly plan on following throughout college and the rest of my life.
1. Do not allow trials to steal your joy and enthusiam.
This really hit me because I know how hard the next four years of my life are going to be. I never really thought about how that could effect me until my teacher told me this. It taught me to not lose myself no matter what God has in store for me.
2. Be okay with being alone.
I know this will be a problem for me because I always feel as if I am dependent on others. A teacher once told me to be okay with being alone. I should take myself out to eat, it might be something new to try.
3. Follow your dreams.
I realize that this is a cliché that everyone is told, but few people take it seriously. I know so many of my friends are simply worried about finding a college major that will make them rich, but those riches are useless if you aren't doing what you love.
4. If you don't know it by 1 a.m., you won't know learn it that late - get some sleep.
These words of wisdom came from my cousin who recently graduated college. I know I'm the type of person who would stay up and stress myself out over a test and so hearing this from someone who succeeded in college relieved some pressure I had put on myself.
5. Just continue to be yourself.
This will always remind me to stay true to my roots. I am moving ten hours away for college and will be experiencing many new things. That cannot change my morals and the goals I have set for myself, though.
6. The person you are now is not going to be the same person you are next year and that person will not be the same in five years.
I saved the best advice for last. I could not stop thinking about this. It might contradict the aforementioned advice, but I think they go hand-in-hand. I have to understand that change is bound to happen and I have to be okay with that.