It's almost the most wonderful time of the year! No, not Christmas. Thanksgiving! You get time off work and you get to eat! It doesn't get any better than that. However, it could all be spoiled if these questions are asked to a senior in college. Not only will you ruin their day asking these questions, but their whole holiday. Don't do it.
"What are you going to do with your major?"
This will be their face if you ask them this question. No one wants to come to Thanksgiving and talk about how they're never going to get a job with their creative writing major. They probably know that's it's a slim chance they'll find a job already, so back off.
"Some people that don't go to college make a lot of money."
GOOD FOR YOU. Don't be that guy who talks about money at Thanksgiving. Nobody likes that guy. Focus on eating delicious turkey and mashed potatoes.
"Have you started paying back your student loans yet?"
There is such a thing as a stupid question, and it's this question. Who in the hell has enough money to start paying back student loans before they absolutely have to? Not this guy.
"What are you going to do if you can't find a job?"
Ugh, negative Nancy over here. I guess if I can’t find a job in my major, I’ll just die. Or, I don’t know, get a job like everyone else?
"What's your GPA?"
By the time you're a senior, you don't really care about your GPA. All you care about is graduating. So, if you ask this question, you're probably going to get a made-up answer. C's get degrees though!
"Why aren't you graduating on time?"
It's very uncommon for someone to graduate on time unless their life is all rainbows and butterflies. Isn't the point just to graduate? Stupid question, next.
"Are you dating anyone?"
It's no one's business if you're single, even your family's. If anyone asks you this question, just shove some food in your mouth and ignore them. You've got more important things to focus on than dating, like finding a job.
"Where are you going to live?"
I guess it's probably best to move back in with your parents if you can't get a job. Rent is so ridiculously overpriced. I DON'T WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT.
"Have you gone on any interviews yet?"
As if interviews aren't already awkward, going on them when you're fresh out of college is a nightmare. So, no. Don't ask them about interviews. They want to eat food and not think about school and the harsh reality coming toward them.
What will you miss the most about college?"
Don't make them think about how much is changing by asking this question. That's just mean. College is such an amazing experience, and asking this will probably make them cry.
If you don't want to ruin Thanksgiving, make sure to not ask these questions to those graduating seniors. They don't need that kind of negativity in their lives. Thanksgiving is for eating and sleeping. Have a great holiday!!