Dear Graduating High School Senior,
Trust me when I say that college is so different from every expectation. You may think you know what lies ahead, but you really have no clue. I should know. I put on a front all of high school, claiming that I knew a thing or two about where life would take me. In reality, I was panicking constantly because my feelings were quite the opposite. I knew I had no idea what I was going to do with my adulthood. First of all, let me just tell you that you're not alone in this feeling. Just because you are at the top of your class doesn't mean you are supposed to have your life together. You, the high school senior who has spent much of high school priding yourself on your intelligence, are still not meant to know a sliver about adulthood.
For the high school senior that thinks they have their future all planned and neatly organized, you are in for a rude awakening. Nothing I expected out of college has become a reality. Nothing I had planned for myself has actually been brought to life. You'll come to discover that this is the very nature of growing up and moving on. My advice to you is to not expect so much out of yourself. Take it one day at a time. Enjoy yourself and don't add so much pressure. Life is already difficult without placing even more unneeded stress on ourselves.
When you finally make it to college, don't panic when you get that first B. It's bound to happen at one point or another. I know what it's like to believe that my one true identifier is "the smart one." This won't always be the case. High school is so narrow-minded. It's okay, though. That's the way it's supposed to be. In college, you will find that there are so many other ways to be identified and make your mark. You will discover things about yourself that you never thought existed within you. Grades will not always be your number one problem.
However, don't misunderstand me. I have to take the time now to say congratulations and that I'm incredibly proud of you. Getting such amazing grades is not an easy task and it's definitely something to be proud of. Being accepted into college makes you part of such a small percentage of people in the world. It's great what you have accomplished. Don't let anybody take that away from you! I just want you to be aware that the world has so much more to offer. You obtaining these excellent grades is simply a means to help you go out and experience new horizons.
Lastly, I would like to speak directly to the Valedictorian. I know how hard you worked to get where you are. I know how much stress you put on yourself to make this possible. I know how high you set the bar. I was you just two years ago. It's the most amazing feeling when you finally get the opportunity to speak to your fellow classmates at graduation and congratulate them on the journey. There is a sense of pride that compares to no other. Be excited for what is still to come. It doesn't get any easier from here.
Even so, remember that you are more than your title. You will be off at college soon, a place where people don't really ask about your grades from high school. They want to know about YOU. They want to know what makes you tick. The concern is no longer what your GPA says about you, but what you say about yourself. Don't be overwhelmed by this. Being Valedictorian will always be an accomplishment that you can hold on to. Still, you have to know that there is so much more to you than the brain inside your skull.
To all of you getting ready for college, just know that there is an unexplainable, exhilarating road of self discovery ahead. Don't worry! Your family and friends are so proud of you and your accomplishments can never be taken from you.