Exam week, as we all know, is super stressful and when we are under copious amounts of stress we tend to let our mind play tricks on us. Well, here are 15 things that you should keep in mind during exam week to help you stay sane.
1. You are worth more than a number
Whether that's your GPA or final percentage in a class, you're worth more than the marks you receive.
2. It's not worth the stress
Chances are if you have been attending class regularly during the semester and have been keeping up with the work, you will do fine on the final. So safe yourself the stress and understand that you're going to do fine.
3. Finals week is not an excuse to stress eat
It is important to realize that despite the stress finals week brings, this is not an excuse to let yourself go. In fact, it is important to stick to your normal routines during finals week more than anything.
4. Study in incraments
Don't sit down with the intent to study for six hours straight. Plan to study hard for 25 minutes and take a 10 minute break in between these 25 minute intervals. Your brain will process the information better this way, I promise.
5. Don't set unrealistic expectations
Just be mindful and set realistic goals. For example, if you haven't shown up for class the last few weeks and have been slacking, don't walk into your exam expecting to get an 'A.' Save yourself the disappointment and expect the worst.
6. Get enough sleepĀ
Rather than staying up all night studying, it is important to get a good nights sleep the night before and exam. This way you won't feel fatigued while you're taking your exam and your focus will be better.
7. Fuel your body with vegetables, not chicken nuggets
This is important for me especially. By fueling your body with proper foods you will increase your focus and feel better about yourself. Nobody wants to walk into an exam feeling bloated or gassy. Save the nugs for a post exam celebration.
8. Geology class probably doesn't matter in the long run
The course you are stressing about probably won't matter as much as it seems in 10 years. Do you think that your future work place is going to hire you based on the grade you got in fine arts or geology? Probably not.
9. Don't let other people's stress influence you
Though this is difficult because everyone around you is stressed beyond your imagination, it is important to not let the energy around you influence you. The more you surround yourself with stressed people, the more stressed you'll be, I promise.
10. Don't let society define what's successful and what's not
Sometimes just passing the class is the best that you can do, and that's okay.
11. Don't let yourself get overwhelmedĀ
Because when did anyone ever get anywhere in life being overwhelmed? Take a few minutes each day to do something for yourself. Whether that's going for a walk, taking a bath, or meditating.
12. Take a break
Sometimes study breaks are necessary and that's okay! You deserve to reward yourself with small breaks for the hard work you're putting in.
13. Have no expectations
If you walk into an exam with no expectations of an outcome or what will be on the exam, you'll have a lot less stress, I swear.
14. You are more than a degree
You are worth more than your degree at the end of your college career. Despite what you think now, you will get that job and you will graduate. Things will be okay and you are worth more than the stress that this degree and exams are putting on you.
15. Don't forget to reward yourself
Whether that's with a new pair of lululemon leggings, a cupcake, a movie night, whatever. You deserve a reward after your hard work. You deserve to splurge for a minute and feel chill for a while.