Netflix simply blessed us all a couple years ago when they created the hit sitcom Grace and Frankie, starring two legends Jane Fonda and Lily Tomlin.
Centered on the lives of two older women who couldn't be more different, it all begins when their husbands reveal that they have been having a secret affair. With each other. For years. And they want to divorce their wives and marry each other.
Yeah. It's quite a tale.
So, you can imagine the various dripping wit that comes in every episode. The show is currently in its fourth season, and thus far has provided the world with a plethora of GIFs that can relate to any mood.
1. When you've spilled some good tea.
2. When someone's an idiot and you just gotta let 'em know.
Oh, Frankie. Spare nothing. Do tell off your cheating ex-husband that left you for your archnemesis's husband. #GOAWF
3. When everything in your life is upside down but you have a martini so it's FINE.
Jane Fonda/Grace is never without a martini for too long. When the day is stressful, when people are annoying you, or just when you NEED it, have a martini, Grace style.
4. When you drive past your haters and wanna say hey.
When you still live in the town you went to middle school and high school in, chances are you'll see plenty of people you don't want to see in a blast from the past. Take the Frankie method and wave cheerily away.
5. When your shoes are killing you BUT they're part of "THIS."
Too many times in my life, I've had on an outfit that included a pair of unforgiving heels that make me scream inside. Maybe it's because I'm a Taurus and I'm exceedingly stubborn, but each time it happens, I refuse to take them off and withstand the pain for the fashion moment. I mean, a look is a look. Grace gets it.
6. When you're about to see your crush and you need that boost of liquid confidence.
7. When your husband of 20+ years tells you he bats for the other team.
Because, you know, this is the usual. Ladies, IDK if we should all be slightly paranoid that this MIGHT occur at some point in our marriages. I guess getting to the point in Frankie fashion is the way to go, right?!
8. When it's been a day and you just need... gluten?
Because when you're pissed or stressed or whatever, your mind immediately thinks GLUTEN and not... CHICK FIL A. (The latter is me.)
9. When you say something no one else saw coming.
10. When things pop off.
You just gotta let the people know, fam. It's going down. YELL!
11. When Vin Diesel sleeps with your mom.
Has anyone else's mom slept with Vin Diesel?
12. When you know you're hot.
So thanks, Grace and Frankie, for giving us laughs and GIFs. Here's to a hundred more seasons.