As I lie in my bed surrounded by used tissues, feeling like my head is an air head from the commercials (I'm not even sure they have those anymore), or that my head may pop from a sinus infection, I can only think how gorgeous a day it is that I'm missing in June. The sun is shining, the birds are singing and I can hear the neighborhood kids playing on their trampoline.
So far, in my twenties, I could explain it as being treated like a kid but also being expected to act like an adult. It's like going down a slide, you are having a great time approaching the end, and BAM! Someone hits you in the face with a bat and knocks you senseless. You wake up thinking, "What just happened?" My twenties have been flooded with questionable decisions that have left me feeling alive and a little uneasy. When I think of those times the words, "I don't even care" come to mind. Sure this isn't the "adult" response to have but aren't my 20s for finding myself, being dumb, and making memories? At times I think YES! But in the same breath I argue to myself, "What about the future, my career, and my responsibilities? What I'm doing now will shape my future. Am I ruining it?" Is there a point where it's okay and a point where its not? Honestly, I'm not really sure anyone has that answer because it's different for everyone. We're all just trying to survive and take it day by day. My 20s (the little bit I have experienced) have been an adventure, to say the least. I have grown and learned so much about myself. You don't realize how strong you are until you have no other choice. When I moved to Bozeman in 2012 I was shy, quiet, and most of the time uncomfortable. Freshman year I would drive four hours’ home almost every weekend because I was so homesick. Now I realize I was homesick because I was scared to put myself out there in fear of being rejected. Something in me changed when I turned 20, I started to put myself out there and great things started happen. I would talk to people I didn't know and I made amazing friends in the process. I can confidently say I will keep these friends for the rest of my life. What I'm trying to get at is to never let your fear be bigger than your faith. Take advantage of your 20s. Make as many memories as you can! Life is short so don't be too hard on yourself! Yes, the future is important to think about but don't forget to live in the present. I promise you won’t regret it.