“Grab her by the pussy” he said.
Red handed, we are led by a flame
consciously lit by the fire the rest of us are choosing to ignore.
Grab her by the pussy,
because invasion of personal space is actually a sign of compassion,
because the female anatomy has one less appendage, so therefore we are truly less than.
Grab her by the pussy,
because our president fucking says so.
Grab her by the pussy,
because you are choosing to pour gas on the ashes of those who were swallowed alive,
the ashes of those who tried to put the fire out,
of those who were too quiet to be heard,
the ashes of those whose screams faded right in with those of the kindling.
Grab me by the pussy,
because I am a woman.
And you can.
Because mother nature is a woman,
and karma is a fucking bitch.
So listen closely,
“Grab sexism by the balls.”
And twist.
Take the embers that have built the stone wall,
one of inequality,
one that doesn’t need to be made because it already exists.
And twist.
Pull each stone out with the grit on your palms.
And twist.
Take the ashes and build a garden for the next generation to grow in.
We live in a world that teaches our children
that Cinderella,
on her hands and knees,
Is respected,
is wanted and cherished
beautiful and loved.
I’ve been on my hands and knees
But found nothing but the dried roots of self-worth,
Feeling the hollow soil our nation rests on,
I have been on my hands and knees,
Gained nothing but a broken stance and bruised palms.
We’ve mastered the art of growing disrespect in malnourished foundations.
Dirtying God’s gift for our selfish needs of validation.
So grab sexism by the balls.
And twist.
Pull so hard the plug comes undone and the flood is released.
Break the dam that has been holding us back and drown the fire in your waves.
Extinguish each ember, crashing through that fucking wall that has killed far more than it has saved.
Grab Sexism by the hips.
And realize the body you are holding in your hands.
Grab Sexism by the chest.
Understand that your worth is not skin and bones.
Understand that her worth is not skin and bones.
Understand that if you grab her by the pussy,
We will grab you by the throat,
And we won’t let go.