A Non-Christian View
Pew Research did a poll in 2017 saying that 61.2% of the world either claim no religion or a religion other than Christianity. That is a tremendous amount of people considering the world population today is over 7.6 billion people. These people may agree with the new GQ article saying that the Bible is the 12th most overrated book in the world.
In the article, it states "overall it is certainly not the finest thing that man has ever produced. It is repetitive, self-contradictory, sententious, foolish, and even at times ill-intentioned." but this view is simply from someone that does not understand the content of the bible.
Yes, it is repetitive, but can you recall a time someone repeated something over and over again if they were not serious about it or they felt is was unimportant? If you don't base your life off of Christian values, then perhaps you would think the Bible is overrated; but do not bash a religious book because you don't agree with it. That is why everything today is seen as a hate crime.
The Christian's Defense
As a firm believer in Jesus Christ and the Bible, I can not simply sit by without defending my values. The Bible is like a football player's playbook, or an organization's mission statement; it outlines our core beliefs (The Ten Commandments) and depicts the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
It is also a historical book and the stories within it align with real, historical events. Jesus Christ, to me and many more, is our Savior and we know that without His crucifixion, death, and resurrection, we would all be sentenced to eternity in Hell. Do not stomp on and condemn the views held by me and of millions of others just because you simply don't believe the same things we do, as we do not do that to you.