School is always stressful, but there is no stress like college stress. Grades cost money.
Advice normally isn't my thing, but this is something you're going to want to hear. If you haven't already figured it out, HIGH SCHOOL DOES NOT PREPARE YOU FOR COLLEGE!
If you think about it, grades didn't matter that much until high school. Starting in grade 9, you're preparing for college. Grades after that either help or hurt your track to college acceptance. The higher the GPA, the better off you'll be, right? WRONG! Fortunately, I made a 4.0 in high school, but that doesn't automatically get me into college and make college easy. Nothing can make college easy, unless you're an evil genius. I grew up being told that as soon as I get into college I will be lost. My teachers in high school made me terrified, but my parents would assure me that my teachers were just being mean. As soon as I started college, I was lost. My teachers were right. They were right because they secretly knew high school doesn't prepare you for college like it should.
I never thought I'd see the day where I was struggling. I thought I'd have a 4.0 in college. I honestly thought I wasn't going to study because I didn't in high school. NEWS FLASH, HIGH SCHOOL IS NOT COLLEGE!!!
If you plan on attending college, stop trying to get by in high school. Learn to study. Learn to manage time. Do it all now before you get into college. Prepare yourself or you'll come into college with a slap in the face.
Don't get me wrong, there are people in college with a 4.0. These people really exist. Find yourself a buddy who can do this. Make them your best friend. You will need all the help you can get.
You need to use all your resources. Visit with your professor. Make appointments with your adviser. Stay up-to-date on everything. College is business. It's no longer high school. High school had second chances. College has money involved. You can't just keep paying and paying. You'll run out of money fast. Keep your grades at the highest priority.