What is the Dakota Access Pipeline?
According to CNN.com, it is "[A] 1,172 mile [pipe that] would connect oil-rich areas of North Dakota to Illinois, where the crude oil could then be transported to refineries on the Gulf Coast or East Coast."
Why should we help stop the production of this pipeline?
The American Indian tribe, the Sioux people of Standing Rock, protest this very pipeline because it is another detrimental thing the government will do to their sacred lands, destroy and take it away from them. Of course, there are positive means to building it, like a more effective path in the transport of crude, but is that really land the government should aimlessly take away for capital gain? I think not. And so do protestors against the Dakota Access Pipeline. According to BBC.com, it will, "..disturb various ancestral sites, including stone circles and sacred ground, if it is built," and the land for the site has been taken by the Sioux "illegally in a series of treatises in the 1850's-1860's." Environmental factors also come into concern in those who are against it, where there are possible leakages that could happen with the pipeline as well, being that it would be built underneath the Missouri River. The Missouri River is the surrounding population's main source of water might I add.
What's happening to the protestors?
"More than 140 people have been arrested. People are getting shot with rubber bullets. People are getting maced. "
(NBC News)
What the anti-pipeline movement wants to happen
No pipeline whatsoever, with its course altered if any. Not only is it a hazard to the population with undetectable leakages, but forced governmental use of land that belongs to the Sioux peoples.
So help the Sioux peoples protect the last of their lands and help their supporters by signing this petition.