So the sixth season of the world’s greatest show just came to an end, and if you’re a fanatic like me or any of the approximate 8 million viewers who watched the finale the day it was released, you’d know I’m talking about Game of Thrones. Legendary, iconic, symbolic? Words would fall short if I were to describe how this show has been reigning the world of Television for the past few years. Not to forget how it’s also reigning over the hearts of millions of people across the globe.
Fans wait for a new season of Game of thrones like how kids wait for Christmas season for their presents. Each episode is like a gift , or should I say a blessing, itself for the fans. So is George R . R Martin really Santa? Who knows, he even looks like one too. With half the cast already dead within the first few seasons, the gifts feel like momentary happiness. Moments that slowly pile up and turn into something massive at the end of each season.
Anyway, as the show marks the end of its sixth glorious season, fans are going absolutely crazy as to figure out how to spend the next 1 year waiting for the arrival of the next season. With the incest queen Cersei taking over the Seven Kingdoms, followed by the death of her only remaining child and Jon Snow finally becoming the King of the North, along with some evidence that he is a potential Targaryen heir(that makes him related to ever-so-magnificent Khaleesi), fans are bursting with emotions , and of course, theories. The end of every season leaves us confused, dazed and obsessed. In the beginning, the unexpected death of a very loved character would break the heart. But now as every season, the pain lessens and does not even surprise anymore. Oh he died? Cool, moving on to next episode. So I guess it actually helps us get stronger and be more accepting of difficult situations. It does leave us really upset too. When your favorite show in the world finishes , you somehow feel like you’ve been abandoned alone. Some people find solace in new tv shows and make it their favorite. But for us GOT fans, that is sheer betrayal. We are way too loyal to our show to make any other our favorite. Sure , we can or do invest our time in watching other shows and show interest but never can we can we give the same spot in our hearts that GOT holds. I sound like I have a relationship with the show that takes an annual break with me after all the fun is over and then gets back with me with more excitement. And I actually like the break, it gives me something to look forward to. And I’m sure, so do you. So, here’s to finding positivity in enduring patience for the next season! April 2017 awaits!