5. S3 – E9 "The Rains of Castamere." | The Odyssey Online
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13 Must See Episodes Of 'Game Of Thrones' You Should Watch Before Season 8 Starts

The new season releases on April 14; you have time.


You know I am a big fan of the TV Show "Game of Thrones" and the books "Song of Ice and Fire." I have to admit that the first time I watched the whole seven seasons, I barely understood what was happening. It has too many characters, too many stories, too many events that it is easy to get confused or lost.

Since last year, I decided on getting more information about the saga. I started reading the books, listening to some podcasts, and watching some YouTube videos. My main point was to understand the past of the story (because GRR Martin wrote eight thousand of Westeros's history) and the past of the principal characters. With more understanding, I watched the seven seasons again; I can say I know what happened and who each character was.

Recently, I found an article in the Spanish newspaper "El Pais." The article marks, at this point the middle of March, there is no time to watch the sixty-seven episodes; then, they suggest which are the most important ones where we can remember important events. I am going to share with you what these episodes are (This article may have some spoilers).

1.    S1 – E1 “Winter is coming.”

This is the beginning of the show. Here we can see the whole Stark family together, the real relationship between Lannister's twins, the relationship between Jon and his family, the friendship between King Robert and Ned and a young Daenerys.

2.    S1 – E9 “Baelor.”

This episode changed the history of TV. Ned Stark's death hurts even today. For most of us, Ned was the protagonist of this story. He is almost perfect: good father and husband, friend, loyal and with an idea of integrity which is hard to find in Westeros, and they cut his head in front of his daughters. With his death, the "War of the five kings" starts.

3.    S2 – E9 “Blackwater.”

You may not like the second season, and I understand. Daenerys's plot is not the best. We met Stannis and Melisandre and we start living the suffering of the Stark family, but it is also the time when Tyrion rules King's Landing. One of his most significant achievements is "Blackwater battle." It was a great production where we could watch exploding ships, Valyrian fire, a lot of blood, a scared Cersei who almost committed suicide and killed her son and the triumphal entry of Tywin Lannister.

4.    S3 – E3 "Walk of Punishment."

You may not remember this episode and it is not one of the most popular, but here many characters have crucial moments. Sam meets Gilly, Jon learns about the savages, Daenerys is making her first important decisions, Jaime is starting to be a better person with Brienne and all of us meet Ramsay Bolton.

5.    S3 – E9 "The Rains of Castamere."

If we suffered from the death of Ned Stark, the "Red Weeding" was a nightmare. We never expected this was going to happen. It was unexpected because we believed Robb was going to win the war, but the Freys, Boltons, and Lannisters changed all.

6.    S4 – E2 "The Lion and the Rose."

What could be better than watching Joffrey be poisoned? Nothing. Another unexpected death, and in some ways, a little revenge of the "Red Wedding."

7.    S4 – E10 "The Children."

"El Pais" chooses this episode instead of "The Watchers on the Wall" (the previous one) which I loved because it is an excellent performance of a battle; you do not notice the episode is only about the wall until it finishes and you realize it. The newspaper says the last episode of the fourth season is important because it is the moment when Tyrion escapes and kills his father, the unique Tywin Lannister.

8.    S5 -E8 "Hardhome."

This episode shows us the power of King Night and the others. It is another perfect production where we understand that Jon Snow is a hero.

9.    S5 – E10 "Mother's Mercy."

There are many deaths in this episode. Myrcella dies in Jaime's arms after she said she knew he was her father. Stannis dies by Brienne (in the previous chapter, he burned her daughter which is one of the most horrible scenes in the show). Cersei lives her walk of shame and his men kill the most unexpected death: Jon Snow.

10.    S6 E5 "The Door."

After all we have lived through at this point in the show, this is one of the most heartbreaking moments. We knew what "Hodor" means and what made him be in that stage. We saw that Ned Stark lied (which is unexpected) and we understand how powerful Bran can be.

11.    S6 – E9 "Battle of the Bastards."

"Battle of the Bastards" is a masterpiece. It is one of the most perfect episodes in the history of TV. You cannot breath watching it. It is the best battle of the show (and there are many good ones).

12.    S6 – E10 "The Winds of Winter."

When you thought nothing better could happen in season six, Cersei gets her revenge. The intro of the episode is fantastic, and the costumes, the music, the faces, all is perfect. In a show full of unexpected events, nobody saw what was coming with Baelor Sept. Also, we discovered the truth about Jon Snow, the new King in the North.

13.    Season 7

The article suggests watching episodes four, six and seven. However, I think it is essential to view the full season seven. It is the shortest one, and it is impossible to choose one or two episodes. Take a weekend and watch it. Also, I would like to say; if you have enough time, you should watch the full season six.

In season seven we see many of the characters finally together; the Stark are in Winterfell; Jaime, Cersei and Tyrion talk again, we have the Jonerys; Daenerys can watch the real power of The Others and we lost a dragon.

Never is too late to enter in the "Game of Throne" vice. I promise you will enjoy each minute of each episode no matter what.

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