When this article was started I had just finished Game of Thrones Season 2, don't judge me too hard for being behind the times nor for the possible inaccuracies should characters develop and/or change in the later seasons (update: Seasons 3 & 4 have also been finished). That being said here are the 5 GoT characters likely to be roaming your campus this semester:
Joffery Lannister - The stuck up individual who thinks he/she has clout and weight to swing around because his/her parent(s) works at the university and/or his/her great grandfather's sister's cousin's 3rd nephew made a "charitable donation" several moons ago; avoid this person.
Arya Stark - The youngster who constantly supersedes the expectations about them. This person is appears innocent but can be cunning, conniving, and ruthless when he/she needs to be. This is person you would thoroughly enjoy being around.
Tyrion Lannister - This individual is one that you need to keep close but at a distance simultaneously. This person is an opportunist who can get the job done by any means necessary and has no shame in crossing lines or people to get his/her wants/desires.
John Snow - the individual is trouble because he/she just can't be accepted. He/she is too "smart" for the "hood" people...yet too "hood" for the "smart" people. Too "nerdy" for the "Jocks"...but still too "Jocky" for the "nerds". He/she is incredibly talented and can adapt to any situation they are thrown into; don't hesitate to bring them into your fold
Daenerys Targaryen - the Daenerys's of the world are those who seem to have an identity crisis at some point. Either they were entirely focused on academics, lacking a social life or vice versa. However, some incident forces them to consider the other side of things. After initially struggling with it, they slowly begin to master the other side by incorporating the original side they thought was the only way to accomplish their goals. This is definitely one you would like in your camp.
You can see them across the campus, in different organizations, and possibly sitting next to you in class. Remember as the academic semester begins...finals are coming!