The most recent and final episode of Game of Thrones has remained a controversial topic on the internet since its premiere.
It left many fans disappointed and upset.
Some people on Twitter also began to compare it to AMC's Breaking Bad series, as it holds the title of the best TV show among many people at the moment and GOT was supposedly in the running to take the title.
I, like several other people on Twitter, still think that Breaking Bad is the #1 TV show and that GOT fell very short from the title of Best TV Show. So here are 3 reasons why Breaking Bad will always be the #1 TV show over Game of Thrones (there are spoilers so save this for later if you haven't watched the full series to either show).
1. It showed the ‘rise of a villain’ in a fluid way that actually worked.
Dany just deciding all of the sudden to burn a city of innocent people was just not believable at all.
In an interview, it was said that Dany's story was not the fall of a hero, but rather the rise of a villain and that there were several 'clues' in the series that foreshadowed her Mad Queen behavior.
Well, those 'clues' were not obvious enough to the audience and many agree that the action was just so out of character for her and that it seemed rushed.
Walter White had a gradual descent into his villain status that not only made sense character-wise but also made the audience sympathize and root for him.
The writers took time to show why he was doing what he was doing and how it was affecting him. Him having cancer was just a broad reason for why he started selling meth that eventually turned him into a drug lord of sorts. Their careful character development helped make this show so successful.
Yes, Dany was raised to believe that the iron throne belonged to her families name, but she isn't mass murdering innocents until the very end and in between, there is so little context to her character that makes it make sense.
Whereas Walter White has several defining moments in which the viewers really get to see when he gradually changes. An example is a time he bombed Tuco's headquarters, which killed people and then how he later got so malicious that he poisoned a child to get his way.
His character development was just so complex and thought out, while Dany's just seemed very random.
2. Breaking Bad was good from start to finish.
I am sure that a lot of us have watched TV shows that start off so strong, just to gradually get worse and worse.
GOT falls under this category as well.
The first four or so seasons were strong, but from there they got worse until the final when it just plummets.
Many think this may be due to the TV show swaying away from the books, which may defiantly be the case, but regardless they just weren't as good.
Breaking Bad, however, was strong through the whole series. It started with a bang and ended it the same way.
There were never and 'extra' seasons that seemed pointless to the plot. Every episode moved the story forward and the character arcs were complex and important, rather than wasted (unlike Jamie's in GOT).
3.  It made sure everything was coherent.Â
Breaking Bad had many aspects that were important to the end of the series, such as how it was important to know Walt's past enemies as they usually related somehow to his current ones.
GOT had many important plots though that were seemingly a waste time for the audience and the characters. These include examples such as Bran being the three-eyed raven, they made that seem important when in the end it didn't even really matter except for the fact that he knew he would rule the whole dang time. It also includes Jon being the real true heir to the throne. It ended up meaning nothing because he didn't become king anyways.
There were just too many plots that were made and then irrelevant in the end when they should have been tied together. It left a feeling of emptiness.