If you've been keeping up with my articles, then you know it's pretty much crunch time for me. In between my two jobs, three classes, and dozens of job applications that I'm sending out bi-weekly, I'm not even quite sure how I have the time to read. That being said, I'm so glad I do, because I just discovered the easiest series that so addictive and genuinely fun to read - "Gossip Girl."
I've seen all of the TV show, but only once, years ago. I never watched it when it was on the air, thinking it too dramatic (not that "dramatic" isn't an accurate statement) - but there's something about the books that are super addictive. I started reading them last week, and I'm already on book 3 out of the 13. The books are the perfect mix of nostalgia of high school drama - although, I'm obviously glad I'm not in that phase anymore - coupled with so much wealth and extravagance it will make even the least materialistic of people stare longingly at the brand names and wish they could begin to afford as much as these seventeen-year-olds.
It's admittedly a bit weird that I'm reading a young adult book series in my early twenties, but I only watched the show for the first time when I was twenty anyway. The books serve to be the perfect distraction for my currently hectic life and I'm so glad that I'm taking out the time to read about the tangled intricacies about the lives of the friend group located on the Upper East Side of New York City. Like various forms of art, the books are great because they make you feel a certain way. Maybe it's the high school nostalgia, as I mentioned - even though my friends and I didn't drink martinis at hotels or attend charity galas on the weekend (okay, we did the martini's and hotel part...), but there's something greater. It's like opening a portal to a life that I some part of you secretly wants, which is so much more impactful than just caring about what happens to your favorite character.