Gordon Ramsay is a celebrity chef known for his successful restaurants around the world, trying to help other restauranteurs on his now-defunct show "Kitchen Nightmares" and calling people ridiculous names on "Hell's Kitchen." With his blonde hair, chef's jacket, and burning insults, he can sound just like a college student. Here are some of the problems college students face, as illustrated by Gordon Ramsay, none of which involve searching for the lamb sauce.
1. When the professor cancels an exam
Giphy2. The professor erases the board but leaves a few stray dry erase marks behind
Giphy3. Your thoughts when that ONE student reminds the professor to collect the homework
Giphy4. Professor: “I’m going to divide the class into groups for some group-work!” You:
Giphy5. You when the professor starts chewing out a student for being on their phone
Giphy6. When you turn in your paper that you only started the night before
Giphy7. Classmate: “I really enjoyed the lecture today!” You:
Giphy8. To that one student who consistently is 20 minutes late
Giphy9. To that other student who falls asleep every lecture
Giphy10. Your thoughts when you’re stuck with people you don’t like for a group project
Giphy11. When you’re trying to leave the classroom, but people are taking their time
Giphy12. It’s the first day of class and you realize that you’re stuck with a professor you hate
Giphy13. When the professor makes a dumb joke and you feel obligated to laugh to stay on their good side
Giphy14. When you’re stuck sitting behind people who talk the entire lecture
Giphy15. Professor: “I’ve decided to move next week’s exam up to Friday.” You:
Giphy16. You haven’t done your homework for weeks and now have to *actually* catch up
17. The professor is 15 minutes late and you don’t know if they’re coming or not
Giphy18. When you have to buy an expensive textbook that you didn’t use at all
Giphy19. On syllabus day when the professor is overloading the class with information
Giphy20. When the professor goes over a super complicated topic and says “this will be on your exam!”
21. Your thoughts when your professor gives you a bunch of homework, all due the next day
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