Fairleigh Dickinson University hit the ground running this past Monday and it looks like everyone is starting to get the swing of the things. However, the first day is always a bit hectic and while I wanted to be as calm as possible, it can be challenging to get back into the routine of waking up early and having responsibilities. It is my senior year and I just had a wonderful summer of being locked in my room without human contact or homework; it was a life that I got used to. Too used to. I got home after class on Monday completely exhausted and needed to rest. Like most people, I like to unwind with a couple of Gordon Ramsay videos and gifs. After watching a couple of compilation videos of Kitchen Nightmares and Hell's Kitchen with a dash of hilarious gifs, I realized that Gordon Ramsay was the only person on the planet that understood what I and most students go through on the first day of school.
1. Trying to have a pleasant breakfast at the cafeteria
As a commuter, I sometimes feel like I am missing out on the real "college experience." That is until I see the food and what the food makes people do afterwards. I only glanced at some cafeteria bacon and I am still drowning from the incomprehensible amount of grease.
2. Running into enemies aka people from an old group project
There is always that one person in a group project that does all the work and that person has always been me. The other group members? They get to sit back, relax, and bask in the glory of getting an A, thanks to me. The only real, amazing group I have worked with on a group project is me, myself, and I. Everyone else should not smile and wave to me at all. We are enemies, not friends.
3. Giving a lost freshman directions
We need to stop making fun of freshmen. Not too long ago, I was a freshman and I believe that it is the duty of upperclassmen to not make a confused freshman feel embarrassed on their first day. I believe in you, freshmen!
4. Running into friends
The first day of school is always a bummer. The only light that shines on that day is reuniting with friends. Bonus points if we all end up in the same class!
5. Getting to the class with the professor that you have had EVERY semester
Having the same professor as previous semesters can be either a good thing or a bad thing. Either way, I am ready for this new battle. Time to slay the dragon again!
6. Reading the syllabus
A midterm and final, not too awful. A midterm, a final, and two papers sucks. A midterm, a final, two papers, and a group project is how not to win students over on the first day of class.
7. To the person who talks over the professor
Everyone has encountered this person at some point in college. Yes, it is okay to ask questions. However, it is most definitely not okay to ask 57 questions and talk over the professor when he is trying to answer you. Raise your hand!
8. For the fellow English majors: seeing the books you have to read for class
Wuthering Heights and The Picture of Dorian Gray? Maybe this semester will actually be fun. I will analyze the hell out of these books!
9. The moment class ends
As awesome as those books sound, it is definitely time to go. It's been fun, but my ride is waiting for me! Time to run out of class like the building is about to burst into flames.
10. Reflecting on your day after a much-needed nap
Getting home after a long first day is exhausting, but gratifying. That is, until I realized that the first day was the first of many exhausting, but gratifying days.