This is a big week for a lot of people, and not just because the school year is starting all over the country. It's Orientation Week at Gordon! Incoming freshmen, this is going to be a really fun and exciting week. You will not only make friends and learn what the heck KOSC stands for, but you will also become a Gordon student. Present tense. You'll learn a lot in your college years, but allow me to give you a couple of tips about the campus that you and I will be sharing. I've collected this information from my own experience, from my friends who have visited, and even my mom. Here are some things that (I'm pretty sure) you won't be told at Orientation this August.
You have to wear shoes at all times in the dining hall.
This is a mistake I've actually made. Also, the floors are not as slippery as my stockinged feet would like.
Meal points.
Actually, this is one of the things they'll probably tell you about during Orientation. I know that this system is a little intimidating at first. Just know that, as long as you don't buy too much coffee in the Bistro, you'll get through the semester. Repeat after me: Everything is going to be fine.
There are iced hot chocolates in the Bistro.
This is life-changing information. Use it wisely and with discretion, depending on how many meal points you have (see above).
There are lots of very nice, quiet places to study on campus.
Even though our campus is small, there are good places to buckle down and get stuff done. You just have to look hard enough.
Our chapel office is one of them, and it's the greatest place.
They have snacks, tea, coffee, water, and plenty of cute and comfy places to sit. It's a great place to study in peace and while looking out over the beautiful grounds. Also, Tom (our chaplain) is the greatest.
Always put salt on the mac and cheese.
It works. Don't question it.
The trails in the Gordon Woods are the greatest gift we have ever received. Please use them.
Whether you go for a run, are seeking some alone time, or just want to enjoy the beautiful fall foliage, there is much to explore. And it's all very, very beautiful.
The container next to the pizza station that looks like parmesan cheese? Yeah, it's garlic powder.
I learned this the hard way.
The lampposts have outlets on them.
Not all of the lampposts though. Just the fancy ones that look like they're from Narnia. Enjoy the beautiful days outside without having to worry about your computer dying, but try to sit in a shady place so you can somewhat see what you're doing.
Try the Udi's Gluten-Free blueberry muffin.
I know that gluten-free things are scary, but college is all about trying new things, right? Besides, less gluten in your life helps you keep off that Freshman 15 that everyone's so scared of.
Use the panini press.
Panini presses give sandwiches 10 bonus tasty points, and they basically make everything better. I have a friend who sandwiches two pieces of pizza together and sticks 'em in the press for a few minutes. Genius.
Make friends with the people who take care of you.
We have great staff at Gordon who feed us and clean things for us. Let me say that again: They feed us and clean the places where we live so we don't have to. Be nice to them. They are wonderful people.
Attend some of the guest lectures on campus.
People write these off as boring too many times. In reality, they're very cool, and sometimes come with a movie. I attended a guest lecture as a prospective student, and it was one of the moments that made me fall in love with Gordon (it also made my mom cry).
Geese are bothering you? Seek out Shadrach.
Shadrach has to be my favorite of the Gordon faculty because he is a big fluffy dog. He has his own ID card attached to his collar and can often be found sprinting around the Quad chasing away the bane of everyone's existence: Canada geese. His home base is the Center for Technological Services.
Use PE classes as free gym membership.
This is great especially if you are unmotivated and don't have structure in your life like me. It's like a built-in group of people to motivate you!
Swing dancing is a fantastic and beautiful thing.
[Shameless plug.] Joining the swing dance club just might be one of the best decisions I made in my first year. It's a great way to meet new people, a very classy event, and unlike anything I've done so far.
Don't forget about Boston.
It's a beautiful city, there's lots of stuff to do, and train rides are fun. Why not? If Boston is a little far, there are plenty of small towns nearby like Rockport or Manchester-by-the-Sea!
Obviously, this isn't everything that there is to know about Gordon. There's plenty of things for you to discover for yourself.
And I have to keep some secrets to myself, don't I?