GOP Hopeful Ted Cruz named Carly Fiorina his VP Running Mate | The Odyssey Online
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GOP Hopeful Ted Cruz named Carly Fiorina his VP Running Mate

This election is trying to pander to women with the wrong woman.

GOP Hopeful Ted Cruz named Carly Fiorina his VP Running Mate
Charlie Neibergall/AP

The political world has been basically spewing the same recycled rhetoric these past couple of weeks: Trump, Cruz, Hillary, Bernie all are in it to win it. Imagine my surprise when I got a news alert on my Twitter feed about Fiorina making her way back into the election ring. "Hey isn't that the woman who dragged small children into her anti-abortion event?" Yep it's her! My favorite "feminist" Carly Fiorina returning to the GOP circle. Wednesday evening Ted Cruz named Fiorina as his VP running mate. The GOP primaries are heating up and require a womanly touch. Here are some reasons why Ted Cruz may have chose to bring Fiorina back as his running mate.

Ted Cruz is desperate to appeal to women.

Primaries are still ongoing. The fact that Cruz is bringing her in so early suggests that he is desperate to get his poll numbers up. Right now, Trump is beating Cruz in the polls. Carly Fiorina is a part of that last effort to make Cruz relevant to the election. And I am not exactly sure what effect her singing to Ted Cruz's children was suppose to have. Pandering is a fine art.

Donald Trump and Carly Fiorina have a history.

It's no secret that Trump is having issues appealing to women--same as Ted Cruz. However, Trump has openly commented on women's appearances in a derogatory fashion. “Would anyone vote for that? Can you imagine that, the face of our next president?” said Trump about Fiorina.

Sarah Palin already endorsed Donald Trump.

Yes, a well-known female politician has already openly endorsed Donald Trump for President as hard as it is to believe. Ted Cruz still has people believing he is the actual zodiac killer.

It would help Cruz go after Hillary in the general election.

If Ted Cruz wins the GOP nomination he is going to need power, specifically "woman" power to go after Hillary. Attacks on Hillary having been fairly sexist among the GOP and Carly could potentially "justify" attacks on Hillary. And Carly is a self-proclaimed feminist on the conservative side.

Overall, Carly Fiorina is the political gunfire Ted Cruz is desperate to have. Is it pandering and insulting to women? Maybe. Will it improve his chances against Donald Trump before the contested GOP convention? More than likely not since multiple news sources have said that mathematically Trump is ahead of Cruz. Even with "dead babies" Carly Fiorina, Cruz does not likely stand a huge chance with securing the GOP ballot.

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