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Goofy Feminists

14 reaction gifs every feminist can relate to.

Goofy Feminists

Although many people mistake it for something else, feminism, ideologically at least, is the belief in total equality among all genders. Navigating the world as a feminist is interesting and, at times, difficult. Additionally, the way we feminists react the certain things can be humorous as well. To put a lighthearted spin on a topic that often feels very heavy, this article will be illustrated solely with images from A Goofy Movie (and its sequel, An Extremely Goofy Movie).

1. When someone asks if you're a feminist.

No shame here. This classic question can be answered a number of ways, though a soft smile might be the best form of answering affirmatively.

2. When someone casually mentions feminism.

Do you ever hear someone bring up something you're passionate about and want to jump in and go off on a previously rehearsed spiel? It can't just be me.

3. When someone tries to tell you that men are superior to women.

No. No, no, no. If anyone ever tries to convince you of

4. When someone says they're a meninist.

Men's rights activist? Fine. There are a lot of admirable causes within men's rights that should be defended. But, call yourself a meninist? Then you're just mocking a movement for equal rights because you think, incorrectly, that it doesn't adequately represent men. *Eye roll*

5. When someone asks why you hate men.

This is easily one of the most common misconceptions about feminism, and it could be resolved with a very swift Google search. For this reason, it is notably jarring when people actually ask this.

6. When someone you previously respected says feminism is sexist against men.

Oh, my. Knowing the definition of feminism, literally the most basic information about it, would shut this entire thing down.

7. When someone responds to a case of sexual violence with "Not all men."

This has to be the most inappropriate response to something so tragic. In cases of sexual assault where women are victimized by men, the focus should be the woman's well-being and safety, not the feelings of men who weren't even involved.

8. Catcallers be like...

Catcalling is a definite no. It's not a compliment; nobody likes or benefits from this cultural phenomenon, so I'll just be over here waiting for it to die.

9. When you and your feminist crew dish out some education.

Sometimes you just have to lay the facts on someone when they clearly don't know what they're talking about. Doing so with friends is even more effective (though snapping may or may not be).

10. When someone says women should be dainty or "ladylike."

We women are individuals, and some of us like to eat messily or take up space or do things that generally aren't cute. And we aren't sorry about it, either.

11. When your favorite feminist anthem comes on.

There's nothing better than that moment when your jam comes on and the music just moves you. Plus, you don't have to feel bad about what you're singing.

12. When your crush says something insightful about feminism.

Now that you know your crush is woke, there's nothing stopping you from pursuing them (aside from severe social awkwardness).

13. When someone compliments you on something feminist-y you said.

There's nothing better than connecting with like-minded human beings over deep conversational topics. I know it makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside when someone says something kind to me about anything, but when it's about feminism, it's doubly appreciated.

14. When you realize how cool it is that you're a feminist.

It's super cool and fresh that you're a feminist. But it's even cooler that you're you.

In conclusion...

Feminism is often misunderstood, which is why it is important to educate others. Repping equal rights is noble as heck, so we should all feel very proud about that. But at the end of the day, we still need to be able to laugh and connect as people, so it is important to be compassionate and not take ourselves too seriously; it is infinitely more important to be good to others than to always be right.

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