Not to be a bummer, but it’s time to talk about… negativity. Like total, Ms. Debbie Downer, unavoidable lameness that intervenes in our everyday lives. Whether it be your annoying co-worker who won’t stop complaining about deadlines and early wake-ups (hello, we’re at work!), the drama inducing friend who loves stirring the Problem Potion, or worse – negative family members you biologically can’t break up with – there are ways to get around it.
Believe it or not, negative people are toxic. Just as you wouldn’t willingly consume smoke saturated air or sip Coca Cola (ew!) why would you surround yourself with negative individuals who only insist on bringing you down? According to Forbes, some of these people are unaware of the emotionally chaotic drama they cause, while others actually take pride in their ridiculous ‘success’ starting an issue and making others feel like sh*t.
Your time is your currency. So is your energy. Don’t waste these elements in an effort to sustain relationships that aren’t working, careers that don’t light you up, or everyday situations where you feel BLAH because someone else is. Read on for the types of negative people to avoid, and how to achieve #goodvibesonly.
1. The Complainer.
We all know them – but we don’t love them. This person sees every responsibility, task, or slight inconvenience as a catastrophe. Instead of getting the job done and moving forward, they continue to speak of the dilemma to every single person that walks their way. They go on about ‘why them.’ Not a good look.
The Good Vibe: It’s rough when negative people have been in your life for a long period of time, and it may seem uncomfortable to say something, but it’s worth a try. First, make them see the situation from an outside perspective, and remind them that a positive attitude will only make them happier and more productive. Didn’t work? Smile, nod, ESCAPE.
2. The Black & White Cookie.
Do you ever have a conversation with someone, and no matter what you say, they always demand the opposite? It even seems if you say the sky is blue, they are willing to go to extreme lengths to prove it is red? They always take the flip side. Often times, these individuals are very set in their ways – and very set on being ‘right’ all the time.
The Good Vibe: Avoid the emotional rollercoaster that comes with being friends, colleagues, or a family member of this type of person. Don’t invest a second of your time or an ounce of your positive energy in attempt to recover the situation with the person. Rely on other opinions and conversation, because this one only goes one way – and it’s most likely not yours.
3. The Debbie Downer.
Poor Debbie for getting stuck with this idiom.
Still, no one likes to be around one, and it’s absolutely awful when you find yourself acting like one. This type of person behaves unenthused, unhappy, and just genuinely not interested in whatever is being said or going on.
The Good Vibe: To each their own! No one asked everyone to like everything. We all lead different lifestyles, have different tastes, and pursue different things. That’s what make groups of friends cool, teams at work thrive, and families fun. According to Entrepreneur, successful people deal with negativity well through their own self-acclaimed joy. A.K.A., don’t let the perception of others dictate your happiness, or your success. You rock. Don’t listen to Debbie.
I am a HUGE believer in the idea that the energy you radiate into the world, reverts back to you. Always remember to keep smiling, keep thinking positive thoughts, and continue to spread the good vibes everywhere you go.