There is nothing worst then this one word to say to anyone.. "Goodbye". First off, there is nothing that hurts more then this word, because it has so many different meanings. As we get older we start to see that there is a time for things to come to an end, this is the circle of life. But why does it have to be that way... why does this word, that has seven letters have so much emotion behind it.
As I have grown up, I have had to tell some of the most important people in my life goodbye. I remember that each time I said it there was pause as we hugged, as if we both knew that this was the end. No matter how many times we promised each other that we would not lose touch, we ended up losing touch. We cannot do anything about this though, there is something that happens to make us lose touch. However, there are so many days where I wish that we could go back to that moment where we were saying goodbye, because I would freeze time in its track right there. In that moment, everything was right, there was no emptiness in my heart because you were still there.
I wish that I could have told you all this before it was to late. Because not all of us know when the last goodbye is going to be, because life has it ways to change and alter the road that we are on. It causes my heart to become heavy when I think that our last goodbye, seamed so normal because none of us knew that this would have been the end of both of us. I wish I could go back and freeze time there, because I wish I could replay our last hug. There is something that I wish I could say, because I would tell you all that you mean to me.
Goodbyes are hard, even when you are prepared to say goodbye. You always know that there is going to be a time in your life where you have to let go of someone that was always been there for you. You keep telling yourself that they are in a better place, that they are no longer in pain. But why do you feel like you are still the one that is hurting? No matter what you do to take your mind off of it, there is a gaping hole in your heart. You pass by the places where you would spend time with them and you feel like you are missing something that you cannot replace. To this day there are times where I wish I could freeze time, and stay there by your side.
There are some goodbyes that do have a positive side, because they are for better things. Saying goodbye to bad habits or even goodbye to things that have effected your life style can be a very good thing, but they are also hard. You have to learn how to readjust your life from something that you relied on, to learning how to cut it out of your life.
No matter the goodbye, there is going to be some emotion behind it. Goodbyes are the normal ways of life, but there is no remedy to fix the pain that they cause. Only thing you can do is wait it out day by day.