The 7 Reasons Saying Goodbye Is So Hard | The Odyssey Online
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The 7 Reasons Saying Goodbye Is So Hard

Listed from "slightly upsetting" to "absolutely heartbreaking."

The 7 Reasons Saying Goodbye Is So Hard

Saying goodbye isn't always easy, but it is necessary for going off to college. Here's a list of goodbyes every to-be college student has to make, in order from "a bit bittersweet" to "absolutely devastating."

1. Classmates

Saying goodbye to the people you’ve grown up with is strange, especially if they’re not your family. Realizing you’re going to be in classes with people who have absolutely no idea who you are is rough. Most of these goodbyes, however, are over and done with at Project Graduation. Though maybe you missed that one pal from English, here’s a bit of advice: if you haven’t seen them this summer, maybe it’s a bit awkward to send a last-minute goodbye text.

2. Coworkers

Working until the last minute? If you’ve spent every waking moment on the grind, it might feel like a bittersweet moment on your last day of work.

Perhaps you’ve grown used to your coworkers’ grumbling or their insistent humming as you complete your daily tasks. Or maybe you’ve actually bonded over the past few summers and even text memes to each other throughout the week.

No matter how strong the companionship, this is one goodbye that’ll be strangely difficult to say.

3. Parents

Saying goodbye to your parents might not be so difficult... for you, at least. Undoubtedly, you won’t be able to escape move-in day without a handful of memorable stories from your childhood.

They might make you sit back and think for a bit, but you’re ready. You’ve been waiting to leave the nest and now’s your chance. Reminding them of that is only going to bring about another round of tears. Hopefully, you’ll be able to console them before they scare your roommate into silence.

4. Siblings

You love to hate them at times, but you’ll find the moments without them unsettlingly peaceful. Whether you’ve got older or younger siblings, swapping them out for strangers as roommates isn’t going to be an easy adjustment.

After all, they’ve lived with you your whole life. They’ve always been by your side, even after a petty argument over socks or snacks or books. Who are you going to pester to drive you around? Or convince to cover for you when you’re out and about? Annoying as they may be, you’ll find yourself a bit distraught to leave them behind.

5. Best Friends

No one wants to say farewell to their friends. When both you and your pals are starting on the college journey, it’s even harder, since there’s the underlying question: when will we see each other again? You might talk every day and FaceTime once a week, but you know deep down that the bond won’t be the same.

That’s not to say you should cut ties; make some sort of agreement between the tears to try and meet up every once in awhile. Maybe that will make the pain of missing them a bit less?

6. Partners

As the days together grow fewer, you and your partner are going to dread saying this adieu. Thinking about the months apart (is Christmas really that far away?) is sure to be heartbreaking. If you’re leaving and they’re not, it might be easier to come home to them. If you’re both headed in separate directions, finding ways to reunite is going to be rough. Both you and your significant other are going to be deeply saddened by the departure date. Taking them beyond the initial goodbye might soothe the wound, but crying is to be expected.

7. Pets

Parting with your pet is indisputably the worst. Seeing their little furry face darken every time you leave to go grocery shopping is bad enough, but now you have to leave them for months? It's heartbreaking! They might not even know you when you get home! (Or at least, so you fear.) Not to worry, they’ll be excited when you finally get back. But for now, it’s going to be a very, very tearful departure.

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