I've never been good with people, but I've never struggled to fit in with my animals. Whether it's sitting in silence, snuggling up under blankets, coaxing a cat from the bushes, building mazes for my hamster, decorating cages, or just plain out venting, I've spent a lot of time with my pets. Having a pet might be one of the purest forms of joy a human can experience. Their love for you is infinite and on behalf of us people I'd like to say that we feel the same about them.
There is a quote from the book Marley and Me that reads, “Such short little lives our pets have to spend with us, and they spend most of it waiting for us to come home each day. It is amazing how much love and laughter they bring into our lives and even how much closer we become with each other because of them.” Recently, I lost my best friend and fellow cat. It was unexpected and I was by no means ready. I am still mourning and the grief that this loss has left me with is very painful. As I cried in my mom's arms and told her that I was not ready to lose him, my mother whispered in my ear that no one is ever ready.
So to my dearest friend, I'd like to say:
I love you. It was truly an honor to be your human. When I first saw you I knew that our lives together would be fun and that you would bring me so much joy. We only spent a small portion of lives together, but every moment I spent having you as my cat was one worth living for. Don't get me wrong, you could be a total pain in the ass; I think I'd be rich for every poop you left on the floor. But, I would give anything to be able to complain about you not using the litter box again.
I will never forget your bravery as you scared away the other animals or your adorable meow when you saw me. I loved having our nighttime pets as I snuck into the garage and complained about how much your claws hurt as you kneaded my legs. I will miss you sitting in my lap and sprinting straight for the laundry room every time we opened the door. You were my best friend in the whole world and I promise that someday we will meet again.
Your Human