A Goodbye To My Florida Family | The Odyssey Online
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A Goodbye To My Florida Family

Because you deserve to hear "Thank you."

A Goodbye To My Florida Family

In January 2017, I will be heading for my first internship of my academic career!

While I'm really excited to have this opportunity and can't wait to go, it comes at a cost. I will be leaving my Florida family until August 2017. In fact, tomorrow I will leave the state of Florida until that date as well.

There have been a few people who have significantly impacted my life which I have been down here for the past two years, and I wanted to take the time to thank them for doing so.

Madison Huntoon

I don't know where I'd be without our Starbucks dates to talk and complain about life. You have constantly been a support system for me. I love the way I'm able to talk to you about anything, even if it means we need to go through 20 tangents to get there.

You've let me talk to you about my relationship, my illness(es), and complaining about the literal worst teacher to ever walk our campus (who happens to have tenure, by the way. I found that out last week). I feel that you understand who I am as a person, and that's really lead to an awesome relationship for us. No matter what is going on, you have always given me your full support.

I'm so dang proud of everything that you have accomplished, and everything you will accomplish. I can't wait to see where your internship takes you, as I know this aligns more with your dreams than anything else you will have done to date. You're going to rock it and I'm so glad you have someone like George to rock it with you.

Meghan Blanks

Since last year you have become one of my best friends. From laughing in our dorm rooms to touring Philadelphia together, I can't imagine not having you in my life. You've been there when I'm sobbing on the phone, complaining about people not doing what they're supposed to, and reassuring me that everything will be okay.

No matter what's going on, you take the time to listen and give me your honest opinion. I love being able to sit with you and laugh, cry, and get angry all in the same span of time. You've given me so much advice and words of wisdom over the time I've known you that it's ridiculous.

I can't wait to hear everything you're going to learn at your internship this upcoming semester on one of our many Facetime sessions (I'm sure there will be a ton). I wish you all the happiness in the world as you deserve it. As much as I want you back into my life in Fall, cause I'm going to miss my best friend, I also want you to be asked back by GE. You're going to knock their socks off.

Also, tell Brian how happy I am he's in your life - he makes your face light up when he's around, and it makes you even more gorgeous than you already are.

Kristin Tardibuono


Maybe that just really confused someone (and possibly terrified them), but I know how much I'm about to hear that over the next nine months. I'm going to miss our random nights together, whether it's watching Les Mis or The Grand Tour.

I can't tell you everything you've done for me. You taught me how to be an amazing employee, opened my eyes to Hamilton (which has also slightly taken over my life, but that's okay), have supported me with everything in you, given me every ounce of weird yet useful advice you could, and even taught me that it's okay to be the loudest sobber during a Broadway play.

You've given me so many experiences in my life that I wouldn't have had without you. I can't imagine where the heck I'd be without you. Every moment I spend with you makes me realize that a) you have changed my life for the better and b) we are way too much alike sometimes.

Thank you for civil debates, having some form of logic when it comes to life, and realizing that everyone needs a best friend. Thank you for allowing me into your life.

By the way, I spelled your name right!!

You just laughed out loud, didn't you?

Les Amis de l'ABC

What, you guys didn't think I was going to forget you, did you?!

You lovely people are the reason I crack up about 75% of the time. Our group chats, both on GroupMe and Facebook, are ridiculously entertaining. I adore the fact that everyone in that group is so used to me being sick and have medical stuff going on that it phases no one, but I still get all the support I need.

Stan - thanks for being sassy as hell, sending dank memes at 2 am, and driving 16 hours both ways with me to New York to see Les Mis.

Justin - thanks for cooking the best fried chicken I've ever had, singing Angelica's parts with me, and sending random Tumblr posts.

Caitlyn - thanks for being just as sassy as Stan, cracking me up over something that happened in Oregan Trail, and keeping Justin in line sometimes ;) .

Ben - thanks for some of the wittiest comebacks I've seen, being a complete smart ass in the best of ways, and loving Kristin with everything in you.

I'm going to miss trying to plan around all of our schedules, hanging out at midnight with each other, and singing musicals at the top of our lungs.

The Ladies of Society of Women Engineers

Ladies - all 190 of you - thank you for making this year exciting for me.

Not only did I get the chance to serve as the chapter's secretary, I also got the chance to serve as this semester's president.

I became a better leader by serving you all. I can't believe how active you all were, no matter what the event was. We shared laughs, tears, a brand new city, and a conference.

My future has been greatly impacted by trying to give you guys a wonderful semester. I hope that I did that and possibly even surpassed your expectations.

The brand new officer team is going to be fantastic. I wish you all the best of luck.

Gregory McMahon:

I can't begin to say how much I love you and list every single way that you have positively impacted my life. Between my health, my school work, and all the little things that make my life hectic, you are one of the few things that make me smile and laugh consistently.

These next nine months are going to be hard, but I know we are going to be fine. You understand me on a different level - a more intimate one. I'm going to miss cooking dinner with you, laughing at Dr. Phil episodes, and visiting animal shelters on the regular.

Know that, even though we have faced some really difficult situations before, I think that this will only strengthen how much we love each other and open up our communication even more so than it is now.

I promise to FaceTime you every single night, text you until you can't stand it, and support you from a thousand miles away.

I plan on coming to Chicago a few times during the summer and taking little vacations to see you. Plan on getting mail, small little gifts, and reminders of my love at every step of the way.

I love you so much dearest, and can't wait to see you in January (and get some really amazing pictures done of us!)

To everyone else:

If I didn't call you out specifically, it's not because I love you any less than these individuals.

Know that everyone I have met in Florida that I have gotten to know means something special to me. I'm going to miss everyone from Embry-Riddle and it saddens me that I won't see you all until Fall 2017.

I hope that you accomplish everything you want to in the next year. Please tell me what you succeed with as I will want to heat it.

I love you all.

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