Saying Goodbye To Dorm Life | The Odyssey Online
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A Bittersweet Goodbye To Watty: Thanks For The Memories

Secretly, deep down inside I am thankful for my time living in the dorms.

A Bittersweet Goodbye To Watty: Thanks For The Memories

It is a staple of college living — living in the dorms to gain experience before moving out into an apartment of your own. The idea is to gain responsibility and feel a sense of freedom, while still being overlooked and taken care of if there is a need. The transition should be enjoyable in between the years of living at home and living on their own. Everyone always seems to either completely hate their time in these establishments or love every moment. I was so blessed with a wonderful experience even if it was slightly annoying or gross at times.

I would like to give thanks to the wonderful place I got to call home for two years.

The wonderful place of Watterson Towers is a building considered the tallest point in between Chicago and St. Louis. One of three residence halls on Illinois State's campus, this is the largest and hosts the most people. At first, Watterson Towers, or "Watty" as it is referred to around campus, is a super confusing building where the elevators stop on the third floor in every group of five. Sounds hard to navigate, right? Well, yes, at first it is extremely complex and there is definitely a chance you get lost, but on the other side of that, Watterson is an extremely safe place for freshmen to live. Each resident needs two keys in order to get to their designated room. I was able to feel completely secure each and every day that I was there.

Another wonderful thing about Watterson is the community. This year has been slightly different in the sense that I have not gotten as close to the girls on my floor. However, last year was a different story. I would come home every night to the shining faces of my floormates in the lounge, always happily greeting me with questions about my day and how I was doing. It was always the perfect way to end the day. I felt like my freshmen year was full of a group of girls that were so supportive, loving, and genuine — it truly made me happy to come home. Not only just in my suite, but I found that I was becoming friends with other people who lived in the same building. This allowed me to hang out with these new friends and get to them without even having to go outside. Being surrounded by these wonderful people definitely made Watty feel like home. I felt like no matter what was happening, I was able to have a friend in the same building as me that I could talk to.

Watterson was this place that I was happy to call my home. While I had some pet peeves — the slow elevators, the dysfunctional laundry machines, and lazy people not walking up three flights of stairs — I have loved my time here. I found that I was glad to come into my room and hang out. Also, it was very convenient to go to the dining center without having to ever leave the warmth and security of this building. I am so thankful for the memories and experiences that Watterson holds and has given me. I can't wait to live in an apartment, but I am forever grateful for the experience I was given. For that reason, Watty will always hold a special place in my heart.

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