There isn't one simple word to describe college.
College is being on your own.
College is finding yourself.
College is falling in love with your major.
College is finding forever friends.
College is starting over.
College is learning you love things you never thought you would.
But college is also hard.
I have learned so much about myself in one year than I have in my entire life.
I have always been close with my family. Leaving them was unbearable to think about. People doubted me. They said I would not last five hours from home, but here I am in the last few weeks of my freshman year happier than ever. I have learned that distance doesn’t mean anything, when people mean so much. My family has shown me love and support through ways I didn’t even think of before I left home. I have been back a total of five times this school year and surprisingly I am okay with that.
I have learned to be on my own. I have gained so much responsibility but, by no means does that mean I have become organized person yet. I’m still working on it, it's still my first year. I have learned how to budget my money, how to say no sometimes, and how to manage to have fun and put the school work aside for a minute. I have become independent. I have learned to stop relying on other people. People let you down and that’s okay, so focus on yourself.
I have learned to have my own faith. God is alive. I have learned that schoolwork is overpowering. Sometimes you feel as if you have no free time which in most cases is right. But, I also have learned that I have time to listen to an uplifting song or read a bible verse. It is the little things that keep you on fire. I have found great friends through Christian Student Fellowship on my campus at University of Kentucky. I have found that these are the people I want to keep around. Sometimes a simple text of encouragement or positively changes my whole day.
I have learned to take control of my college career. If you don’t like your major, change. Fall in love with your major. Make sure you love what you are doing because this is the start of the rest of your life.
I have learned to try to new things. Stop being afraid and do something you wouldn’t normally do. Try a food you hate. Talk to someone you wouldn’t normally talk to. Go on an adventure. You may surprise yourself like I have.
College is the time to explore. Find out what you really love.
I have learned boys come and go. I learned to stop searching for a boy and let God work. I didn’t come to college to find a man, I came to further my education and become who and what I want to be. A man can wait.
I also learned, college is not a cake walk. This is my future and I need to take it seriously. A bad grade here and there is not going to ruin you but stay focused. College is not all fun and games, but there is definitely plenty of time for fun. I have learned when I need to study. I have learn I need to study more than I think I do. Studying isn’t an option like it is in high school.
I have grown so many ways I didn’t think were possible. I want to thank my family for their constant support. For understanding that I cannot always talk because my life is busier than ever right now. For encouraging me when I feel life the world is against me.
I want to thank my college friends for loving me for exactly who I am. For letting me have a few mental break downs. For not letting me drop out when I feel as if I am not smart enough for college. For forcing me to study.
I could not have gotten through my freshman year without the constant love and support from my family and friends, you are all my rock.