Dear Rhode Island College,
Thinking back, it's amazing that it has already been four years since I was an inexperienced college freshman in the fall of 2014. Since then, I've made it through eight semesters of tears and stress, and grown into the young woman I am today. It feels like just yesterday, but also like I've been at RIC all my life. You've taught me more lessons about myself than I ever thought I would learn in college, and I guess that's what I am here to thank you for. You've helped me be the prepared adult I am today, ready to take on everything the "real world" has to offer.
Walking into that first class freshman year, I was scared, nervous and excited all at the same time. I had a group of friends I thought I would have forever, and believed the only thing I was learning about in my classes was random facts I would never use in my life after finals week. But dang was I wrong. That first year taught me more about myself than I ever thought possible.
I learned that I was worth more than the toxic friendships and relationships I thought I needed. I learned that there was no one more important out there than myself, and only I could make myself truly happy. I didn't need to prove myself to anyone, aside from myself. And with being with myself, there was no one else in charge of my learning or my education. Everything was based off of what I did and the choices I made, and that was the most important lesson I ever learned in your buildings.
To me, college was more about finding myself, and proving to myself that I can accomplish anything. You see, my sophomore year I applied into my program; and this is where the nerves really started to kick in. I was constantly asking myself "Is this really the career path for me?" "Can I do this?" "Do I have what it takes to do this?"... essentially doubting everything I had thought would be my future since I was a little ten year old.
But within your program, those thoughts vanished instantly. I found myself finding comfort in my program, and really seeing myself being successful with what I planned to do with the rest of my life. You might have thrown me through hurdles and difficulties, but those challenges are what boosted my motivation to keep going. I wanted to prove everyone wrong, including myself, I wanted to prove that I could do this, and finish out an experienced college graduate. And that's exactly what I did.
So, RIC, I guess this is more of a thank you than a farewell. Because without you pushing me outside of my comfort zone, and throwing me through all these loops and procedures, I wouldn't be as confident in myself as I am today. You see, because of all those struggles and meetings with advisors and figuring out schedules, I am more confident than ever before. Now, I know what I want, and I worked for that, harder than I ever thought I could. I surprised myself to get to where I am today, and I have you to thank for that.
It might have been a ride of craziness, but I wouldn't change my time at Rhode Island College for anything. I've made some great friends that I know I will have for a lifetime, met some mentors that truly made me a better person, and learned life lessons I will hold near my heart forever. You've helped prepare me for my lifelong career and gave me the skills and confidence I need to do well in whatever life throws my way. So thank you Rhode Island College, "because of you I am changed for good," and I will forever be grateful for what you've taught me in the past four years. I'm ready for the rest of my life, because of you.
A College Graduate