As I Say Goodbye To Odyssey, Let's Reflect On The Past Two Years | The Odyssey Online
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As I Say Goodbye To Odyssey, Let's Reflect On The Past Two Years

To Odyssey: Thank you. Thank you for giving me a place to express myself fully and unapologetically. Thank you for allowing me to learn and grow. And most importantly, thank you for changing my life.

As I Say Goodbye To Odyssey, Let's Reflect On The Past Two Years
Abigail Borin

If you asked me two years ago where I thought I would be, I wouldn't have an answer for you. I knew I would probably at college, definitely writing. I didn't expect to be published — not at 17. I also definitely did not expect to be asked to run an entire community of creators at the age of 18.

On May 2nd, 2016, I was welcomed into the world of Odyssey.

I was a shy, little 17-year-old who hated attention and got seriously nervous when anyone, including my parents, read my work. Kelly, my then-editor-in-chief, was the most supportive and uplifting EIC I could have asked for at the time. She taught me about time management, self-discipline and commitment. I learned so much from watching her work and being a part of a team that created amazing content.

In 2016, I was just a content creator — but, to me, it was so much more than just writing.

Odyssey, then, fostered my love for writing in a way that I could have never predicted. I got to write about whatever I wanted, allowing my creativity to shine. When you study English in high school, and, sometimes, in college, you do a lot of analysis and research.

Although those skills can be helpful in many ways, being creative was always my forte, and I couldn't help but be drawn to more personal styles of writing. Using my identity to create content other people actually wanted to read was so powerful and fulfilling. I was instantly hooked.

As we rang in 2017, I got the offer to be the editor-in-chief of my own community.

I had just turned 18 the month before, and I was already being asked to take over our Morris County, New Jersey branch. Even though I didn't know what I was doing, my then-content strategist, Amanda, guided me through the transition and got me started in my role as EIC.

It only took a few days for me to fall in love with being an EIC. I felt as if the role had been made for me — I loved my team, the work, my CS and everything about the company headquarters.

My first mission as an EIC was to change the team dynamic and make sure everyone was being held to their basic expectations.

It took me weeks of work and many hours spent recruiting, but Morris County, New Jersey became a powerhouse community. Once our basic goals were being consistently hit, we shifted our focus to be on the individual creator. I worked with some amazing content strategists — hi, Lindsay and Elena!!! — who helped me educate my creators and got us producing some incredible content.

In the middle of this whirlwind that was my EIC experience, I met one of my biggest inspirations.

Around the sixth month of my Odyssey Editor-in-Chief journey, Bri Cicero became my CS.

I didn't know that on July 14th, when I got Bri's first email, that she would have the impact on me that she did. But as soon as I started my first video call with her, I knew that she was going to change the way I worked — both in and out of Odyssey.

Bri and I, despite blocking out a 30-minute time period for our call, ended up talking for two hours. Our conversation varied from Odyssey-related goals to our personal lives and our dogs. Something about Bri and I just worked, and I knew my next months as an EIC were going to be monumental thanks to her.

She changed the way I wrote, edited, packaged and communicated. She held me to a higher standard than I held myself because she knew I could do even better. Bri single-handedly influenced the content I created and made my team even more of a powerhouse than we already were.

She always made me want to be a better person than I already was and taught me lessons I can't ever thank her enough for.

After Morris County, New Jersey merged in November of 2017, I decided to try out something new. I had been with my team for almost a year and a half and I wanted a fresh start. Bri, who I absolutely couldn't part with, offered me a contributing editor position at her community, Aspiring Journalism Professionals. Although AJP would be a huge change for me, I knew I needed to step outside of my comfort zone, so I accepted her offer.

15 weeks later and I am so glad I gave AJP a chance. The team, as a whole, has so much passion for Odyssey and for the journalism field, it's contagious! They welcomed me so warmly and didn't treat me any differently, despite being a newbie to the team.

AJP encouraged my growth as an editor and creator, which is a very rare feat in communities as large as theirs. With an average of 50+ active creators, AJP is one of the largest teams Odyssey currently has and we're #KillingIt each and every week. I couldn't be more proud to say that I have published content for them.

After two years of craziness, I think it is time to say goodbye.

As I did when I joined Aspiring Journalism Professionals, it's time for me to take a leap of faith and step outside of my comfort zone. I have been supported by Odyssey and everyone involved for nearly two years, and I am forever grateful for everything the company has taught me.

I have grown as a writer, student and leader more in the past two years than in the other 17 years combined. After today, I plan to take what I have been taught at Odyssey and implement those lessons in every other aspect of my life.

I cannot thank my former creators, Bri, Elena, Lindsay, Amanda, Kelly, the AJP team and my friends and family enough for all the love and support during the past two years. I could not have accomplished what I have at such a young age without all of you — every single one of you means the world to me.

And to Odyssey: thank you. Thank you for giving me a place to express myself fully and unapologetically. Thank you for allowing me to learn and grow. And most importantly, thank you for changing my life.

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