As Inauguration Day approaches, the presidency of Barack Obama comes to a close. During his eight year, two-term presidency, Obama's accomplishments are some of the most notable through out history. As a democrat, he has instituted policy and reform that has revolutionized several of the nations critical areas such as jobs and healthcare. As this nations first African-American president, he was making waves from day one. In a well deserved eight years, Obama has gone above and beyond on his promises to "create change".
Elected in the middle of a recession when unemployment had reached 7.8 percent, President Obama's job programs and economic strategies have since improved the unemployment rate to 4.7 percent, according to (Inskeep, NPR). At the time of his inauguration, the DOW-Jones started at 7,400 and currently stands at over 19,500 points, making this a record high for the stock market close out, since its establishment in 1817 (Sommer, NYT).
In partnership with his wife and First Lady, Michelle Obama, they have pioneered the campaign "Play 60" which encourages America's children to be active and eat healthy. In partnership with the NFL, children are urged to be active for sixty minutes a day. The First Lady advocates avidly for education and prevention of childhood obesity. Together, they are creating a healthier and happier generation to come (Play 60).
In relation to healthcare, the revolutionary Affordable Care Act, better known as ObamaCare, has provided millions of Americans with affordable healthcare. By requiring healthcare, more Americans have access to quality care and affordable medication. By providing coverage and better coverage options, this reduces soaring premium rates as well as debt resulting from medical care. states, "Other coverage milestones include better preventive care, women’s health services, better care for seniors and expanded coverage of our nation’s poorest."
Perhaps one of the most important policies implemented is the legalization of gay marriage across all fifty states. This policy represented a major step forward in the fight for marriage equality, but President Obama and his staff didn't stop there. Inspired by his wife and two daughters, the President has been a supporter and conversation starter in the area of gender equality. He has called for a cultural shift in the way women are treated and viewed. His administration continually encourages equal pay and paid leave (
Through these long eight years, the American people have seen Sasha and Malia grow up, Obama's hair turn grey, his jokes have been awe inspiring and progressive policy has changed the face of this nation. In a scandal free administration, our President and First Lady have represented the United States with the utmost respect and poise. Even those who do not agree with the Obama administrations policies, must admit that he has kept the promises he made during his campaign, skillfully compromising and working with a hostile congress. President Barack Obama and the whole First Family will be dearly missed and truly remembered.