When you join a sorority, your sorority family are the first people who you have a connection within your chapter. When I joined, my family was small; there were only five of us: my g-big, my big, my twin and my g-big's second little. While most of the families in my sorority are only losing one member this semester, mine is losing three of our original five members. My g-big, my big and my twin are all about to graduate, and even though I will still have my little, it's sad to see so many of the girls who I first connected within my sorority go. So here is a letter dedicated to three of the most important women I have met in college thus far.
Dear G-Big,
You are such an inspiring person. You were the president of our chapter, and I have always looked up to you. You always handle yourself with class, and you truly embody what it means to be a Tri Delta. Thank you for always being there when I needed help or had Activity Chair crises. You always know how to keep a level head and handle a stressful situation. I always love spending time with you, and you always make me smile when I am with you. You are such a kind, genuine person, and you bring joy to everyone around you. Thank you for being such a great role model. I know you are going to do amazing things after you graduate, and I can't wait to see them. I hope you will come back and visit us all the time. I am going to miss you so much.
Dear Twin,
You were one of my first real friends in Tri Delta. Even before we were close with our big, we were close to each other. I am so glad that we got to bond together as Rho Gammas this year during recruitment. You are so sassy and funny; you always make me laugh when we are together. You are such a strong, confident person, and I have learned so much from you during our time as twins. You are such a beautiful dancer, and you are an amazing dance teacher. It is so amazing that you know exactly what you want to do after you graduate. You are so amazing, and I know you are going to do great things in the future. I hope we can continue to be the best twins ever!
Dear Big,
First of all, how dare you graduate college a year early! But seriously, though, when I found out you were my big, I thought I had the coolest big in our sorority. You were on the Panhellenic Executive Board and all I wanted was to follow in your footsteps and spread the Panhellenic love. We have had so many amazing experiences together; you have been a mentor to me in a lot of ways and someone who I have always looked up to. More importantly, though, you have been an amazing friend! Whenever we are together there are constant laughs, and we always have fun together. Even though we will both be living in Austin, I am going to miss having you around campus and hanging out with you on a regular basis. So even though this isn't really goodbye, I wish you all the best, and I know you are going to go on and do amazing things with your life. I love you, and you better come visit me literally every day.
Good luck to my beautiful family as you enter the next phase of your lives.
I love you guys!