To my school... when I first visited, I was a senior in high school. I knew you were the one for me, but I could never have imagined all the things you'd give me. You've given me a place to meet new people, a place for me to explore my future, and a place to be myself. I'll always be proud of being your student, and I'll always be grateful.
To the friends I've left behind... I hope you are well. I hope you're doing what you love, and that school is treating you as you deserve. I hope you've found friends that appreciate and love you for who you are. I'm sorry we drifted apart, but that doesn't mean I've forgotten about us. I miss you, and I hope I'll see you soon.
To the friends I've made... words could never be able to describe how grateful I am for the memories that you've given me over these past few months. When I look back at my teenage years, being 18 and young, and my first college experiences, you'll always be the center of those memories. I can't wait to one day tell my children about the crazy things we did, from the nights out that turned to wild adventures, or just sitting in our dorms watching movies, I've cherished every moment. Thank you for allowing me to be me, whatever version of me I threw at you that day. Thank you for making school my home away from home. My family.
To the mistakes I've made... just like Hannah Montana once sang, everybody makes mistakes. I'd be foolish to say that I regret them, then I wouldn't have learned anything, and I am paying to get an education so I might as well learn as much as I can. You've made me stronger, wiser, and maybe just a little more cautious. Hey, what's college without a few mistakes?
To the person I've become... four months ago, you looked ahead at where you'd be now, and you'd never expect to see the person you see when you look in the mirror now. You've changed. You're independent, you're capable of taking care of yourself, and you're stronger. Whatever happened in that first semester, you'll never forget for as long as you live, it was the semester that changed you.