Dear Freshman Year,
As I preparedtostart my first year of college, everyone would always tell me things like "Just you wait. You're in for the best four years of your life" and"Your freshman year will be the best part of your college experience.” I'll give credit where credit is due and say that they were right. Freshman year can certainly be considered one of the best years of my lifeso far. What they failed to mention was that it would also be one of the most complicated, confusing and frustrating years too. With every hello comes a goodbye and although I am absolutely terrible with change andgoodbyes, I'll give it my best shot.
Goodbye to my dorm room.
A year ago, if someone told me that I’d actually enjoyliving in my shoebox of a room with two other girls, I would’vetold them that they are insane. Having to share such a confined space and moreimportantly, the closets with two other girls,has to be one of the most radical changes I've ever experienced. As this semesteris nearing the end, I findthe thought of having to sleep in my own room, by myselffor the summer, to be extremely lonely. I’ve grown so accustomedto their presence thatthe thought of them not being there to say good night, leaves me feeling uneasy. So many memories have been created within those four walls. All the stories we shared, the laughs, the tears; I'm so grateful to have been able to make a once unfamiliar space into a home.Although, I'll enjoy the temporary closet space for the summer, I'm realizing I would give that up and more to live with my two amazing roommates again.
Goodbye to my floor.
To the girls that live on my floor, I'm really going to miss you guys. Although we have the title as one of the loudest floors in the building, I love hearing the sounds of the varied ‘going out’playlists during the hours of 7 to 9 pm,Thursday through Saturday. I'm going to miss the friendly "hellos" and "have a nice day" as we pass each other in the halls or in the bathroom. I'm going to miss our dance parties in the halls and running around to each other’s room for outfit advice or to just sit and chat. Goodbye to my RA who has been more of a best friend than anything. This year wouldn't have been the same without all of you, so I thank you for that.
Goodbye to all of the amazing people I've met this year.
Along with all of the other things that I thought would’vebeen impossible this year, Ineverimaginedthat I wouldbe fortunate enough tomeet as many amazing people as I did.Meeting such a diverse group of people taught mea lot aboutnot justpeople in general,butmyself and who I am and what I want to be. By joining differentclubs,taking awide variety ofdifferent classes, to the people in my building,my overall experience has been quite memorable. I’m glad that such a wonderful group of people traveled this part of my journey with me. Time and time again you have all been there to laugh with me (or at me), to give me advice, or to cheer me up when I was down. I could always count on you guys forafun night outor to grab breakfast on Saturday and Sunday mornings andcatch up about theprevious night. I've had such an amazing time getting to know each and every one of you and I know that you guys will be some of my best friends for life. I'm saying goodbye to the countless, unforgettable memories we have made;I am ready to welcome all of the new ones that have yet to come.
Freshman year of college was unlike any other. I've met so many new people, have tried so many new things and created some of the most magnificent and unforgettable memories. So as it pains me to say goodbye to all of these great experiences, I can say these goodbyes in peace knowing that this is only the beginning and there are so many incredible experiences to be had in the next three years. Years from now I can't wait to look back and reminisce on all of the crazy stories (both good and bad).
For now--goodbye freshman year.It's been one hell of a ride.