Have you ever been in a constraining type of relationship before? It didn't have to be a romantic one it could've been a friendship, family member, or a colleague at work or school? Has the relationship prevented you from growing as an individual, meeting other people, or gathering new experiences? Did it make you feel like you were tied up or locked out of reality? I'm not saying this relationship hasn't offered you multiple opportunities, relationships, joyous occasions, life lessons and experiences, didn't teach you things about yourself, offer you a leadership position and skills, or confine you into a box. Although, this can define so many individuals relationships with various different people in their lives I'm using this to describe the two sided relationship between the Miami Heat organization and Dwyane Wade.
For the pass thirteen years of my life as a native south Floridian I've know the county has Wade's county. The spot light has always shined over an extremely talented and dedicated player and leader both on and off the court. The has posses the ability to encourage and motivate residents of all different nationalities, ethnicities, races, and social class to make the American Airline Arena roar for the Heat. He's been a father figure and mentor to not only his own sons but also so many other inspiring young basketball players locally and also globally.
While Wade has played through many different circumstances and conditions through my lifetime I always questioned how even if he was injured how he could still stay so motivated and encouraged not to give up on his career. But that's where the Miami Heat organization comes into play not only for Wade but all their players.
The Heat don't make playing for them a job but instead a career for long term. They take the foundation which their players come to them with and build them up to their full potential but in addition the organization motivates and encourages leadership, community involvement, and also a family like relationship between their players, coaches, managers, and the rest of their organization. The Heat don't treat their players like employees that are suppose to just work from 9-5 everyday from October to June (if the team makes the finals). If you have ever been to a Heat game or watch one on TV you see through the both the good and bad times the whole organization is always there to support one another. If it's a team related issue or a players personal one everyone is always there to support and listen to the one who's having a difficult time. The organization itself has built a powerful and wonderful bond for itself and those involved.
Since none of us were taking it seriously, Dwyane's discussion to depart from our beloved organization is very upsetting and shocking to us Miamins. It's like the earlier mentioned constraining relationships because no from either party thinks change is going to occur. Although it is very emotional for many of us to grasp because we are currently left in limbo of what name our county will now have we shouldn't hold a grudge or hard feelings towards Dwyane. Because, as an individual he has always been there for us real fans who aren't bandwagons and illustrate a love and passion for basketball by playing through injuries, hardships, and never letting us down. But we should never trap him into feeling that he can't explore his other options or ever leave Miami because we are limiting his talent and passion in his career. Even though we will always want Wade and his ambitions we should not limit him into only staying in a relationship with us. Sometimes we have to just let people go and eventually they will see what they're missing out on an return to us but we must provide them with the opportunity as humans to go out and find out more about themselves and establish new relationships. Otherwise, we're just hurting both them and ourselves as individuals and preventing new experiences from occurring in each of our lives.
But Wade thank you for the past thirteen seasons of dedication and being able to teach so many individuals how to enjoy and love a sport as much as you do. Wade county will never be the same without your presence. We will miss you but only wish you the best in all of your future endearments.