I’ve realized that fear can be a good thing. I’m not talking about paralyzing fear, where you have an instinct that something is going to go horribly wrong. I’m talking about a good fear. The type of fear, where you’re reluctant or that requires you to take a leap of faith because it will change things for the better.
I'll give you some examples because, for me, the word fear is constantly synonymous with bad.
1. My best friend experienced this fear when going on a date with a guy she could see a lot of potential with.
2. Another friend experienced this feeling when realizing she could see herself having a serious future with her boyfriend.
3. I’ve experienced it when going on a religious/spiritual retreat.
4. I've experienced it when deciding to study abroad and leaving for a country I don't know very well.
5. Lastly, I've seen this fear when my friend decided to move across the country for college.
Fear doesn't always equal bad. Fear can be good. It can be the catalyst that causes the chemical reaction. The reaction that forces us to make a change!
If the place or person or thing you want to go for scares you in a good way, then go for it.
Don’t hold back because I’ve heard a million times as a little girl that “we miss the changes we don’t take.” So don’t miss these chances because you’re afraid of the change or fulfillment it could bring. Change, potential fulfillment, and a little bit of healthy fear could be what you need to move your life in a wonderful direction.
I, personally, am always looking to feel fulfilled and the most fulfilling moments have been the ones were the good kind of fear was involved. I think there is a general fear of the good type of fear. Fear is feared because, when fear sets in, that means the unknown is looming.
Fear is comfortable because fear allows us to stay in the box we’ve made for ourselves.
Because of this, I think it's time to get a little bit uncomfortable. Go for the person you've always wanted to be with, quit the job you hate, change your major, finally cross something off your bucket list, move to a different state, spend money on a Netflix subscription, or say yes to a new religion.
No matter what it is – how big or how small – if the good type of fear is involved, then I'd like to be so bold and say that I bet it's worth it.