Journaling is often a tedious task for many, but it can have therapeutic value and is something that I feel everyone should participate in. It can be viewed feminine activity, something that only girls or women do, but it in fact is something that is valuable for all individuals in order to vent frustrations and work through difficult feelings and emotions.
Sometimes friends and family do not want to continually hear about your problems, and although having a support system is crucial, it can be difficult for a person to be listening to the same feelings, and also might be uncomfortable for you. The process of journaling can help you vent your feelings and emotions without burdening someone else with them, and also can help you look back on your own emotional growth.
It not only is good for working out feelings and emotions, but journaling also helps document your life, especially daily tasks and chores that you do that you might forget in the long-term. One thing that helped me get back into journaling as an adult was studying abroad, and how I actively tried to journal what I did each day in India so I would not forget the small details about the trip for the rest of my life. Normal every day activities are just as important to remember and journaling is one of the best ways to do this.
It is hard to find time to journal, especially with school, work, and trying to maintain a social life. It is a very personal thing and can often be uncomfortable to do around others, but it is important to find time to journal, even just a few thoughts every day. Your future self will thank you for it, even if you might cringe slightly when reading your journals from a few years ago and to see what you might think of as silly now, but in the moment it wasn't and I think it is important to see that.