If you are student at Cazenovia College, you have either complained or heard someone complain about the college. The complaints range from “the dining hall food sucks” to “there are not enough parties” to “it’s too cold.” These are all complaints that students usually can't do anything about, but the good thing is there are more positives than negatives about Caz. The list below shows you seven things about Cazenovia College that will truly benefit you for the long run.
- Student/Professor Ratio
According to the school's website, Cazenovia College has a 12-1 professor to student ratio. This is one of the biggest positive about Caz that any student will notice. This gives the students the opportunity to know all their professors and vice versa.
2. Class Size
The average college lecture has around 100 students, but at Caz, there is an average of 15 students a class (My 300 level class had a total of 9 students). Small classes allow the professor to know the student without having to communicate outside class, and even communicating outside class becomes easy because there are not that many students that the professor has to see.
3. 10 minutes between classes
Unless you have classes at south campus, going from class to class is not really a struggle because classes are within walking distance. During those10 minutes, students usually go get a to-go-box, chatter with friends, or do whatever they want before the next class starts.
4. Support Services
The one thing about Caz is that there are support services all across campus. From Your RA across the hall, to Project Reach, HEOP, and to the Counseling office; there are variety of different places you can go when you need help. The type of help provided by these support services range from counseling to academics. This is something caz students should really appreciate about the college and I recommend anyone that has never used these support systems to start using them, even if you feel like you don't need them.
5. The Lake
This is one of the places where anything can happen. From jumping to the lake with a group of friends to taking the girl you like there or just doing your homework on the grass (when the weather is nice). If you are a Caz student and you haven't checked out the lake, I highly recommend it. It's beautiful.
6. “Free” Gym
As much as this is somehow paid for in our tuition, this is a great perk that prevents us from paying a high monthly gym membership. The thing about the fitness center is that it’s only free to students and staff and any other community member has to pay. So, take advantage of this opportunity before the freshman 15 starts coming back.
7. We Have A College President For the Students
One of the greatest things that happened is when the new president, President C (As he likes being called), asked to volunteer in one of APO’s serve projects at Matthew 25 Farm. He did not just show up for a photo op, he actually helped us pick up some vegetables in the farm. The president even offers students to walk his dog or even come in his office to just talk.
So next time you complain about Cazenovia College, remember that you are a student first and the reason you came there is to receive your education and everything else comes second.