Good Parents Who Make Mistakes Are Still Good Parents | The Odyssey Online
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Good Parents Who Make Mistakes Are Still Good Parents

A response to the Orlando alligator incident

Good Parents Who Make Mistakes Are Still Good Parents
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So we all have heard about the alligator incident in a Orlando. For those who haven't, a 2-year-old-boy was dragged down into a lagoon at a Disney resort by an alligator, right in front of his parents eyes. People are too quick to judge the parents and too slow in being empathetic. These parents have two children, and they obviously adored their little boy. Their little boy was worth trying to pry an alligators mouth open for. Sure they "could've" been more careful, but is that the point? Is that really the kind of feeling we want to impose on these grieving parents? Don't we think their already going through enough, losing their 2-year-old angel to an alligator? All over Facebook and the news, they talk about charging the parents for negligence. There were "no swimming" signs all over, yet the parents and their child went into the water. Ok that's bad, and it could have been prevented, but what's done is done and now these perfectly good parents are under a dark light in the media. How do you think it feels when people ask how your child died and you have to say "he was killed and drowned by an alligator in Disney world." ? They made a mistake that they are really paying for, with the price being their own child. No parent deserves to bury their own child. Let's be a little more sympathetic. It could have been your baby, or your brother or your nephew; it can happen to any of us and the best of us. Before we judge, we should support and respect these parents and allow them to grieve in peace.

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