Lately, when I check my social media, whether it's Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or whatever, it's filled with negative news coming from around the world. From murders, missing children, rape cases, mass shootings, bombings -- whatever it may be, it seems that's all I see when I go online. It's extremely rare to scroll through my news feed and see something positive happening in the world, and it made me wonder, is there anything positive even happening? Because of this, I went on a search for some positive news to catch a break from the saddening and sick news that surrounds our daily lives that I think we all could benefit from.
Little girl writes letter to families affected by the floods in West Virginia.
After hearing about the recent floods that took the lives of at least 20 people in West Virginia, James Phillips' daughter took it upon herself to reach out to the families who were affected by the disaster. After Phillips had seen what she was doing, the daughter asked her father if he could post it to Facebook so the West Virginia families would know she was thinking about them during their hard time and wishing them the best. It doesn't get sweeter than the pure love and concern of a young child.
Read the full story here.
Human chain to save a dog from drowning.
After realizing a dog was being swept away in reservoir in the city of Almaty in southeastern Kazakhstan, a brave man jumped in to save the dog and others soon joined the effort, creating a human chain to save the rescuer and the dog. A woman caught the whole thing on video, allowing the happy moment to be spread across the world.
Read the full story here.
Young man helps elderly woman to her vehicle.
There are a ton of negative stories surrounding young men in the media lately, but it's nice to see that there are positive ones out there too. This young man, Brandon Rollins, who works in the grocery store Ingles in South Carolina, helped this elderly woman to her car. A man named Bo Graf noticed his kind gesture and took a picture of the two and posted it to Facebook. Graf went on to acknowledge Rollins' actions and tell him that he had not only helped that woman but that a good deed goes a long way. It's nice to see young adults getting recognized for positive things instead of all the negative.
Read the full story here.
Man uses Powerball winnings to give back.
After a Missouri man won the Power Ball, he decided to give back to his community with his winnings. The Hill family donated money to build a fire station in their neighborhood, along with donating over $50,000 to help better where they are living.
Read the whole story here.
After searching the internet for these positive news stories, I felt a lot better knowing there aren't only negative things happening in the world. Although the positive stories are often being overlooked, they are out there. In a world full of such negative occurrences, it's reassuring knowing there is still positivity out there. If you ever need a break from the negative stories, a quick Google search can help show the positive things happening in the world.