As we all reflect on the past year and the things we did, many of us realize that we didn’t follow through with our New Year’s resolutions. Most of them fell short of our expectations, whether it was going to the gym every other day or eating less junk food. Life gets in the way, and sometimes we have to make compromises because other things are more important. Because of that, we have a tendency to feel terrible for not accomplishing our goals, and might be discouraged from making resolutions in the future. But, what people forget is that setting goals is very subjective. Sometimes being extremely specific isn’t the strategy you should be using.
It’s okay to make vague or generalized goals for your New Year’s resolution if they are measurable, and you can notice your progress. Rather than setting a strict number of times you have to go to the gym each week, it might be more helpful to set a goal that is more relaxed; you will go to the gym more frequently than you did last year. That way you have a positive mindset, and not a negative one. Forcing yourself into a routine might not work; you might have to keep it flexible if you want to follow it.
Another great resolution is to be a better person than you were the year before. This might be harder to track, but reflecting on how you feel about the choices you’ve made this year compared to the past year says a lot about the person you’re becoming. And this type of improvement is as easy as smiling at someone instead of scowling at them. Or, maybe you decide that being a better person means trying new hobbies to better your skills; you could start attending classes or workshops that catch your eye. No matter what your financial situation is, you can meet this goal and feel good about improving your own character.
What is important to remember is that these resolutions are for you, and you alone. You do not need to impress anyone, or prove yourself to others. You are not competing with anyone else. They are personal goals. And because they are so personal, you can set them and complete them however you see fit; you decide if you’ve succeeded or failed, not the rest of the world.
With a positive mindset, a proper goal, and the right strategy you can achieve anything. 2017 is your year to conquer whatever you set your mind to; embrace the fresh start!