What is the first thing most of us do almost every morning? It probably goes a little something like this, our heavy eyelids peel open as we roll over and grab our phones to shut off our alarm. If you're anything like me you'll probably hit snooze a few times before you actually muster up the courage to wake up. Then we find ourselves scrolling through all the notifications on our phone that popped up while we were sound asleep. Not only do I start off feeling slightly annoyed by the sound of my terrible alarm clock ring tone but I find my self feeling anxious first thing in the morning... and the culprit is my iPhone.
My iPhone is hijacking my mornings. Waking up to a laundry list of notifications on my phone makes me think about all the things I need to do that day rather than enjoying my morning. It is pretty normal to check all your missed notifications before getting out of bed but unfortunately, it is taking a toll on your mental health. Think about it, first thing before you even get out of bed you're checking your email, responding to all the texts you missed, looking at snaps from your friends of what they were doing the night before (a major FOMO trigger), and figuring out all that you need to do that day. When we dwindle on the past or worry about the future our stress is triggered.
Leave behind the negativity surrounding checking your phone first thing in the morning and instead try out these activities that will help you feel happy and start off your day on a more positive foot.
1. Tell yourself a few positive affirmations
We all know how important self-love is, practice some self-lovin' in the morning by telling yourself some positive affirmations. This can help keep you motivated too by telling yourself you can do it. Be your own cheerleader.
2. Stretch in bed
BIG stretch
GiphyI don't know about you, but when I roll out of bed my body goes snap, crackle, and pop. Stretching in the morning can help you stay flexible, improve joint health, and it feels great. It's a great way to get your body moving before getting out of bed.
3. Go for a light jog
Working out when you wake up can give you energy to last all day and it will help keep you fit. Double whammy.
4. Meditate
Practicing mindfulness first thing in the morning can help calm your mind and get you ready to take on anything life throws at you that day. Mindful meditation also has many health benefits. If you don't know how to meditate or don't think you can, have no fear, there is abundant info on the web to help you out. It's easier than you think. The best part is you don't even have to get out of bed.
I'm subscribed to the news app because I like to stay in the know. I usually wake up with a few news notifications which often consists of negative headlines and articles. For example, this morning I woke to a notification from the Wall Street Journal titled "Plane crash before Superbowl killed 5 people." Reading things like that first thing in the morning can't help you start off your day on a positive foot. Although it is important to keep up with what is going on in the world, there is a time and place for that and first thing in the morning in your bed is not it. It is probable that you are going to wake up on the wrong side of the bed if you check your phone before even getting out of it.
Let's flashback to our childhood, a time where our smartphones didn't wake us up. It was either my mom or my plugin alarm clock waking me up for the day and then I would go make breakfast, chat with my parents or cuddle with my dogs. Now that sounds like a peaceful way to wake up. I know it is really hard to put down the phone after turning off the alarm but my morning routine could use some change, for the sake of my mental health. I suggest that instead of checking your notifications before you get out of bed, you choose something else to do that can better suit your morning needs and brewing a cup a coffee definitely suit my needs most.