"Good morning." "Thank you." "Goodnight."
I have heard those words over and over again since arriving in Tobago. The people here seem to genuinely care whether or not you are having a good time. Everyone I have met has been extremely friendly and has been really interested in talking with us about our trip and our class.
In the morning, everyone always greets you with "good morning" as you pass the on the streets. Our maxi driver always greets us with a huge smile and a "good morning," "good afternoon," or "good evening." When you exit the maxi, you always say "thank you and good morning/afternoon/night."
People say "good night" not necessarily when you are heading to bed, but as you pass them on the streets at night. They say "hello" and ask how you are doing as you walk by. It makes you feel appreciated and as if someone actually cares about how you are doing that day.
Imagine if it was that way in America. PLU is an overall pretty friendly school. People smile as they pass you on the walkways, and they hold doors open for much too long. But, it still is not the same as what I have experienced in Tobago.
Imagine if everyone greeted each other with a "hello" or a "good morning" and a smile. Imagine if as you walked down the street in the evening everyone passed with a "good night." People would be happier, friendlier, more welcoming.
It's amazing the impact a simple smile or a "hello" can make on someone's day.
Walking down the streets of a typical American city, people are looking at phones, the ground, and using every other method possible to avoid eye contact.
Now, I'm not saying that EVERYONE in Tobago is this friendly, but so far everyone I have met has been. I'm not saying EVERYONE in big cities in the U.S. is unfriendly and doesn't like human interaction on the street, but you rarely see someone looking around at other people in these big cities.
I am challenging myself during this new year to be more friendly to the people I pass on the street. A simple smile or "good morning" can go a long ways.