Contrary to my last article, 2016 sucked, we can pretty much all agree on that, but there are so many things you can do to make 2017 better!
1. Stop Biting Your Nails
I certainly am guilty of this, but seriously it's so gross. (and not to mention tacky!)
2. Stretch Every Morning
This will help wake you up and reduce soreness after working out and throughout the day.
3. Hydrate Hydrate Hydrate!
Yes, the occasional person does drink TOO much water, but most people do not drink enough. Remember, when you feel thirsty you are already dehydrated.
4. Have A Colorful Palate
Fruits and veggies people!! Not to mention, they make some good Instagram photos.
5. Start A Gratitude Journal
I have had one for almost a year and I love reading through it. All you have to do is at the end of everyday, write down two things you are thankful for, no matter how small.
6. Read More
Does not matter what it is, it strengthens your brain as well as your vocabulary.
7. Be Spontaneous
No good story starts with doing the same old thing.
8. Volunteer More
If you are ever in a situation where you have to seek charity, you would hope someone would be there to help you, not to mention it's good karma.
9. Doodle
Doodle here, there, everywhere!
10. Call Your Family More
They will always be excited to hear from you.
11. Meditate Before Bed
It helps clear your mind for a better night's sleep, an alternative is prayer if you are religious.
12. Compliment A Stranger
It means more coming from someone you don't know!
13. Take Time For Yourself
Being lonely sucks, but being alone does not.
14. Spend More Time Outside
It does wonders for your mentality.
15. Watch The Sunrise When You Can
Getting up early is awful, but the view is always worth it.
Let's kick some 2017 ass!