As humans, one of the core things we need in our lives is closeness. We want to feel like we belong, have people to fall back on, and matter to other people. I must say, all my life I have been blessed with truly amazing friends. Some have even become family. All these people have crossed paths with me for a reason, and many of them intend to hold dear to my heart forever.
My friends back home are the people I grew up with. They knew me in perhaps some of my most unattractive and weird stages, yet they still loved me. In a way we raised each other, spending all of our careless free time together in each other’s basements during sleepovers. These friends are a part of my roots, and what I think of when I think about home.
Friends in college are a whole new story. The friendship I have made so far have developed at an undetectable rate. For instance, my roommate and I are family now. I would do absolutely anything for her and I know she would do the same for me. My floor mates, people in my classes, and just random people I happen to meet, have all become amazing friends to me. I owe a lot of my college experience to date to them, because without them it just would not be the same.
I have so much love for my friends back home and my friends here with me at college. However, my greatest love and greatest friendships are with my family. My brother and sister are hands down not only my favorite siblings ;) but also my favorite friends. Without hesitation, I would say my mom and dad are my #1 choice of people to spend time with. Some days I can’t help but wonder how I landed the most incredible family and friends. There is nothing I would change about the beautiful people who support me and love me in my life. I understand not everyone is fortunate enough to have this. To those people, I’ll be your friend, thanks to all the people who have shown me how easy it is to spread love. Thanks to them, I have plenty of love in me to share.