We’ve all been a bad friend at one point or another. So, let’s set the record straight once and for all. What kind of friend are you? Take the quiz below and find out!
1. Your friend is stranded on the side of the road forty-five minutes away. You have class in five minutes. You:
A. Tell them to start walking.
B. Text another friend to see if they’re able to pick them up.
C. Wait until class is over, then leave and pick them up.
D. Skip class to pick them up.
2. Your significant other has planned a special date night for the two of you, but doesn’t tell you until the last minute. You already have plans to attend a concert with your friend. You:
A. Ask your friend for their ticket so you can give it to your significant other.
B. Tell your friend you’ll make it to the next concert.
C. Bring your significant other along to the concert.
D. Tell your significant other that you have plans you cannot go back on.
Attend the concert with your friend.
3. Your friend’s baby is ugly. Frankly, quite simply, ugly. You:
A. Don’t tell them, but talk about their ugly baby behind their back.
B. Tell them in the name of honesty.
C. Convince yourself their baby is cute and say nothing.
D. Love their baby so much, the ugliness begins to appear cute.
4. Your friend is hanging onto a cliff by their fingertips. They’re slipping. They’re going to fall (and die) if you don’t do something quick. However, you’re afraid of heights and your friend is too heavy for you to pull them up by yourself. You:
A. Call 9-1-1 and hope they get there in time.
B. Peek over the side of the cliff and are too paralyzed with fear to do anything.
C. Coach them into pulling themselves up.
D. Grab their hands and try to pull them up.
(You fail. Both of you go over to cliff, to your deaths).
5. Your friend has been transformed into a baby. Both their parents are dead and the only person who can take care of them is you. You:
A. Put them up for adoption/into foster care.
B. Reluctantly take care of them for the time being,
while trying to find a way to turn them back into an adult.
C. Give them to a friendly couple you know.
D. Give up your life to take care of them.
How to Tally Your Score:
Give yourself five points for every A.
Give yourself ten points for every B.
Give yourself fifteen points for every C.
Give yourself twenty points for every D.
Bad Friend
You couldn’t give two fucks about your friend. In fact, you probably don’t even consider them a friend. They probably stole your juice box in second grade and you’ve been keeping them around for the sole purpose of exacting revenge at the perfect moment.
Alright Friend
You do the bare minimum. You’re not to be called on in times of crisis, nor are you willing to sacrifice anything for your friends. You expect little from your friends and give even less.
Good Friend
You are level-headed, kind, and would never hurt a friend on purpose. You try to make everyone happy and understand that to have good friends, one must be a good friend.
Great Friend
You are excellent at all things friendship! You tend to view friendships as sacred bonds and have strict rules as to what you will and will not do to someone you consider a friend. You may end up giving more than you receive in this life, but anyone who matches your commitment will have a friend for life.