It is essential that we acknowledge our privilege and practice being thankful for what we have by giving back to our communities; this article consists of 4 Good Deeds to Practice this Holiday Season.
No matter what religion or holidays we observe, doing good has no denomination. Don't let the title of this article limit you, community service has no scheduled dates; but what better time to start giving back than during the holidays?
1. Local Toy Drives
For those who celebrate Christmas, this is the perfect opportunity to give back. Participating in Local Toy Drives provides you with the ability to contribute as much or as little as you feel. Your contribution can range from a toy as extravagant as a pristine dollhouse, to a simple Barbie doll from the dollar store.
Donations are not about donating luxurious items, but the thought behind contributing to the efforts of those coordinating the event.
2. Volunteering at Local Soup Kitchens
Volunteering at Local Soup Kitchens is another good deed you can perform this holiday season. It allows you to truly form connections and bonds with the people you are affecting for you are in direct contact with them. Serving those who are less fortunate than yourself can be a truly eye-opening experience for a large percentage of the low-income population strays away from the stereotypes set by society.
A lot of those who utilize resources such as local soup kitchens simply have been dealt an unfortunate set of cards in life and haven't necessarily done anything to warrant their reality. If you feel most fulfilled by your community service when you can see the direct result of your work, this is the perfect service to get involved in.
3. Local Food Drives
Like toy drives, donating to Local Food Drives is another method of giving back to the community that does not take much time, but can go a very long way. Several small contributions can go a long way; so even if you aren't able to contribute a lot to the drive, one can of vegetables or soup create a profound impact.
4. Distributing Left Overs
The aspect of the holidays that many look forward to is the massive amount of varying delicious foods. From the Christmas cookies to potato latkes; no matter what holidays you observe, food seems to be the focal point of many. With the cooking of a lot of food, comes a lot of waste. Instead of throwing out leftover food, pack them up and donate them to your local homeless shelter.
Participating in at least one of these acts of kindness can profoundly change the lives of others this holiday season. It is important to acknowledge our privilege and use it to do good for others. I believe that in life you receive, what you put out.
Getting involved in community service projects like this and encouraging your loved ones to do so as well is a raindrop in the river to creating a more positive and giving environment to exist in. Don't let your humanitarian efforts stop in the season, yet incorporate them into your everyday life through the new year.