There are a number of universal sentences we as a society can almost unanimously agree we hate to hear: “The bell doesn’t dismiss you, I dismiss you,” “looks like rain!”, and “there will be six more weeks of winter,” to name a few. While these sentences are always unfortunate and not pleasing to the ears, there is one sentence I may arguably hate the most:“My good deed is done for the day!”
This sentence gets to me for one very specific reason- why are we limiting ourselves to one good deed a day? Secondly, why do we feel the need to publicize every little “good deed” we do?
“Good deeds” should be an unequivocal part of every person’s day every day. It should not be in question whether we “did a good deed” each day; really, we should not have to recognize that we did a “good deed” when we do. They should just happen.
We are beings who can not survive singly- as a society we should be lending aid to one another without question or hesitation, no matter the task at hand. You see an elder struggling to push a cart? Help them. You see a dog shivering in the road? Help them. We are meant to help one another unconditionally. In today’s society though, it seems a big deal to buy one homeless man’s $2 burger- such a big deal we have to air it all over social media.
Why can’t we just be good and do good without the recognition or the praise? Sure, a “good deed” makes us feel good because we made someone else feel good. You know why it feels good? Because it is our duty to help each other, to love one another, and lend a hand. I hate to admit it but as I look around I realize Joey Tribbiani on Friends may have gotten it right when he claimed “every good deed is a selfish deed.”
It may be refreshing to hear about good things that happen in our society, this I will acknowledge. In such a time that we are in, it is nice knowing there are good people doing good things. However, there is a difference when someone lets their friends know they “did a good deed” and being recognized by the person being helped for their “good deed.” Instead of seeking recognition for the good things we do every day, we should be seeking the smile of gratefulness on the faces of those being helped. Instead of doing “a good deed a day,” we should be acting anytime at all times to be good and do good, despite the “day” or the circumstance. It should not be something we even realize- that we have done something good- it should just be a part of our day normally. The fact that we have to say something, that we have to praise ourselves for doing something good is exactly what is wrong with our society. If we simply lent a hand when necessary, we would be so much better off.
Instead of acting for recognition, just act.