12. Love Your Melon hats | The Odyssey Online
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14 Adorable Products To Buy That Support Good Causes

Why buy boring old toilet paper when you could buy some that goes towards installing toilets in impoverished areas? (Yes, this exists. Stay tuned.)

14 Adorable Products To Buy That Support Good Causes

Online shopping is no rarity in this day and age. Nearly everyone has once been guilty of adding item after item to their shopping cart then realizes their grand total is pretty much twice the amount you set out to spend. This is maybe not the best of situations to be in, I must admit...

However, if you have an issue with overspending online then you might as well put that money towards a good cause. So, next time you have that itch to online shop, head in the direction of one of these charitable brands and products. Treat yourself to a cute bracelet or fresh coffee beans or even some toilet paper while also supporting a cause attempting to make the world a better place.

If you happen to have that online shopping itch RIGHT NOW then click the links provided beneath each individual product or brand's photo.

1. Who Gives A Crap toilet paper

Who Gives A Crap

Who Gives A Crap is a toilet paper company that fills online orders. Their toilet paper 100% recycled and made WITHOUT trees. Also, 50% of its profits are donated to build functioning toilets and waste systems in areas that do not have them.

Their most recent monetary donation towards this cause was $46,000.

2. 4 Ocean bracelets

4 Ocean

4 Ocean is another charitable company that produces bracelets in efforts to end the ocean plastic crisis. Each of their bracelets is made from recycled materials, and with the purchase of one of these bracelets one pound of trash is removed from the world's oceans. Also, each individual bracelet often supports a different charitable cause as well as removing this pound of waste. The bracelet I have from this company went towards supporting Coral Restoration Foundation for example.

To date, 4 Ocean has removed 4,509,249 pounds of waste from the world's largest water sources.

3. Pura Vida bracelets

Pura Vida

Pura Vida is probably one of the most well-known brands on this list. The company was founded in 2010 in Costa Rica and was met with extreme popularity. Pura Vida makes and sells jewelry (primarily bracelets) in order to support and employ artisans worldwide. The company also carries special charity collections of bracelets in which the proceeds directly go towards causes such as suicide prevention, breast cancer awareness, Parkinson's disease, and sexual assault awareness.

4. Black Rifle Coffee Company coffee and apparel

Black Rifle Coffee Company

This company is owned and run by veterans. BRCC not only encourages patriotism, but also gives a portion of its proceeds to charitable causes for U.S. veterans, law enforcement, fire departments, and first responders.

5. United By Blue apparel and accessories

United By Blue

All of United By Blue's clothing sales go towards cleaning up the world's bodies of water. For every product they sell, the company removes 1 pound of waste from oceans, creeks, rivers, beaches, streams, any body of water. On top of all of this, United By Blue also organizes waste cleanup that the company as well as it followers can participate in.

They have currently removed 1,756,888 pounds of waste.

6. Yuhme water bottles


Yuhme is a company that produces and sells reusable water bottles made from sugarcane. With the sale of each singular bottle, 6 months of clean drinking water is provided to people in the Central African Republic. The company partners with the organization Water For Good, which is a organization geared specifically towards providing the Central African Republic with drinking water and bringing their community together as a whole.

Yuhme has now donated 44,148 months of drinking water, avoided 1,800,796 km worth of driving emissions, and have avoided sending 15,698,328 plastic bottles to landfills.

7. S'well water bottles


S'well is popular brand that was actually endorsed by Oprah Winfrey at one point. The water bottles are stainless steel and double-walled, designed to keep your water cold for a long time while also seeking to eliminate the waste of plastic bottles. S'well currently is in the midst of their "Million Bottle Project" which aims to eliminate 100 million plastic water bottles from the Earth's landfills and waterways by next year. By buying one of their bottles, you are not only lessening your own personal amount of waste but also aiding this project.

8. Pawz apparel


Paws is a clothing company that donates 10% of its profits animal shelters across the United States. They also use their public platform to support and endorse no-kill shelters and bring awareness to the abuse and euthanization of innocent animals.

9. Ivory Ella apparel

Ivory Ella

Ivory Ella is a brand and online store that is affiliated with the association Save the Elephants. The company was started in order to combat the ivory trade and the abuse of elephants. The brand's clothing line donates a portion of all of its proceeds to Save the Elephants, which fights for the conservation and protection of wild elephants.

10. Pela cases

Pela Case

I'm sure a lot of you have seen these eco-friendly cases advertised on your Instagram feeds. The phone cases are not only compostable and prevent the waste of plastic phone cases in landfills, but their sale also goes to help the organization 1% for the Planet. Pela also currently carries specific lines of cases that are geared towards helping our oceans by assisting charity organizations such as Save The Waves and the Surfrider Foundation. Also, these cases are adorable and very durable. I have one, and they do a great job of protecting your phone.

11. LUSH lotion


LUSH is not only cruelty-free, but it also all natural ingredients in their products. The company's Sustainable Lush Fund projects work to support regenerative agriculture worldwide. LUSH, overall, is very well-known for its cosmetics packaged is 100% recyclable materials, but there is one product in particular at the moment that assists a charitable cause: Charity Pot lotion. 100% of the profits made on this lotion are donated to grassroots organizations working for environmental conservation and awareness, animal welfare, as well as human rights.

12. Love Your Melon hats

Love Your Melon

Love Your Melon was started with the goal of putting a hat on every child's hat that was battling cancer. The company donates 50% of the profits from its hats (and other assorted clothing accessories) to the Love Your Melon Fund that assists their non-profit partners is fighting pediatric cancer.

13. BeYOUtiful apparel

BeYOUtiful Foundation

BeYOUtiful Foundation is a non-profit organization that helps connect breast cancer survivors to salons and hair stylists in efforts to make women feel beautiful all throughout these hard times in their lives. All profits from their line of apparel go towards the organization's efforts.

14. TOMS shoes


TOMS is a well-known company that was founded in 2006 as a result of the company's founder witnessing the hardships of children growing up without shoes. So, for every pair of shoes TOMS sells, the company gives a pair of shoes to a child in need. However, the company has now branched out to the sale of eyewear which assists in giving children in need prescription glasses, the sale of coffee which helps in the distribution of clean drinking water, as well as the sale of bags which supports the continuation of safe birthing services.

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